Презентация на тему "English Cuisine"

Презентация: English Cuisine
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    pptx (powerpoint)
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    английский язык
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  • Презентация: English Cuisine
    Слайд 1

    English Cuisine

  • Слайд 2

    The features of English cuisine

    English cuisine includes, traditions, styles and recipes associated with England; It has distinctive attributes of its own; It also shares much with wider British cuisine; There was a large importation of ingredients and ideas from North America, China and India during the time of the British Empire and a result of post war immigration.

  • Слайд 3

    Traditional Meals

    In the early modern period the food of England was historically characterized by its simplicity and a high quality of natural produce; Traditional meals have ancient origin such as bread and cheese, roasted and stewed meat, boiled vegetables, and broths, and freshwater and saltwater fish; The 14th century English cookbook contains recipes for these dishes;

  • Слайд 4

    Modern English Cuisine

    Fish and chips were recently number one urban food eaten from newspaper with salt and vinegar; Pies and sausages with mashed potatoes, onion and gravy are very popular; Now all these dishes are matched in popularity by curries from India and stir fries based on Chinese and Thai cooking; Italian and French cuisine are also widely adopted; The innovation of fast food from the United States is absorbed.

  • Слайд 5

    A “Full Breakfast”

    A “full breakfast” is eaten the whole of the Britain ; The names change depending on where it is served; The origin of the breakfast is believed to originate in rural England as a meal to carry a worker through a long morning; The “full breakfast” is traditionally served at breakfast time; But it is served at lunchtime everywhere in hotels and at the restaurants.

  • Слайд 6

    At the restaurant

    Waiter: Hello! Can I help you? Mr. A: Well, could we have famous full English breakfast? Mrs. A: Dear, it’s lunch time. Waiter: The full breakfast is served at lunchtime everywhere in hotels and at the restaurants. Mr. A: Fine. Bacon and eggs and… What do you recommend? Waiter: Bacon and eggs, but they are accompanied by sausages, grilled tomato, mushrooms, tea, toasts and marmalade.

  • Слайд 7

    Mr. A: Is this breakfast served all over Britain? Waiter: Yes, but each country has its own accompaniments. Mr. A: What kind? Waiter: A full English breakfast may have black pudding, baked beans and fried bread. A full Irish – white pudding and soda bread, Welsh –loverbread. Mr. A: Let’s start with bacon and eggs and then… Mrs. A: And tea with toast and marmalade.

  • Слайд 8

    Sunday Roast

    .The traditional English dinner for Sunday is known as Sunday Roast; It’s time for families to get together and share a good meal; Roast beef is number one but pork and lamb work well too; Yorkshire puddings, roasted potatoes and vegetable are served with the main course; A delicious gravy is made of the pan juice, red wine , meat or vegetable stock and butter is added to the roast.

  • Слайд 9

    What is tea for the British

    Tea is the national drink of the British; Britain imports about 20% of all the world’s tea; It was introduced in Britain in 1657 by Catharine King Charles’s wife; The English custom of afternoon tea goes back to the late 18th century; The British drink more than any other nation – about 4 kilos a head or 1,650 cups of tea a year; Most popular is black tea.

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