Презентация на тему "Great discoveries" 8 класс

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  • Презентация: Great discoveries
    Слайд 1

    The 16th of March.

    Great discoveries. What is the Index Liborum Prohibitorum?

  • Слайд 2

    Употребление Passive Voice

    Active Voice – подлежащее само выполняет действие: The boy wrote a poem.– Мальчик написал стихотворение. Passive Voiceупотребляется когда неизвестно или неважно, кем выполняется действие – действие производится над подлежащим: The poem was written by a boy.-Стихотворение было написано мальчиком. Если указано, кем производится действие, употребляется предлог by.

  • Слайд 3

    Образование Passive Voice

    to be + V3

  • Слайд 4

    Одной конструкцией в действительном залоге в английском языке могут соответствовать две конструкции в страдательном залоге, то есть прямое и косвенное дополнение действительного залога могут стать подлежащими страдательного залога. The teacher gave him a book. The book was given to him. He was given a book. Косвенное ( кому?) Прямое ( что?) Ему дали книгу.

  • Слайд 5

    В страдательной конструкции с предложным дополнением предлог сохраняет место после глагола. They sent for the doctor( Active voice) The doctor was sent for(Passive voice)

  • Слайд 6

    Наиболее употребительные глаголы с предлогами

    to send for smb/smth to object to smb/smth to insist on smb/smth to refer to smb/smth to laugh at smb/smth to listen to smb/smth to wait for smb/smth

  • Слайд 7

    Translate into Russian

    A new TV set was bought two months ago These books will be sold in a month The rules were explained to us by the teacher A lot of new songs will be sung at the camp fire.

  • Слайд 8

    Put in the missing prepositions and translate into Russian.

    Why is he always laughed …? Who is being waited …? Was Mary looked … by your sister? The song was being listened …. When he opened the door. Was his arrival insisted …? His plans are always objected …. Why is this book never referred …?

  • Слайд 9

    Great Discoveries.

    When we think about medieval Europe, one of the first things that we remember is the Inquisition. The Inquisition was started in 1184 by the Pope in Rome to fight against heretics, people who didn’t agree with the Church. The Inquisition had the power of life and death over any Catholic and people were afraid of it, but at the end of the fifteenth century things started to change. It was the century of great discoveries. In 1492 Columbus discovered America. In 1497 Vasco da Gama opened up a sea route to India. In 1500 Brazil was discovered, and in 1522 Magellan’s expedition went round the world for the first time. These discoveries put the Church in a difficult position. For centuries it had been telling people: “The world is flat.” But the explorers showed that it wasn’t true. It became clear to everybody that the Earth was round. Worse than that, at the beginning of the 16th century a young Polish astronomer, Copernicus, came up with a new idea. “ The Earth is not the century of the universe. It revolves around the sun, together with some other planets.” The Catholic Church had to find a way to hide this knowledge from ordinary people. In 1559 it published the Index Livorum Prohibitorum, a list of books that were banned for Catholics. People who read these books were punished by the Inquisition. Any books from the list were burned. Nowadays the Index Livorum Prohibitorum is open to the public. Think of any famous scientist, writer or philosopher – you’ll find his name and works on the list.

  • Слайд 10

    Use the verbs:to find outto discover

    Vasco da Gama Magellan Copernicus Columbus a) the Earth goes round the sun b) the sea route to India c) the world is round d) America 1. 2. 3. 4.

  • Слайд 11

    Answer the questions.

    When did the Inquisition start? What was it for? What is heresy? What is The Index Livorum Prohibitorum? Who was Nicolas Copernicus? What was the idea that the Catholic Church didn’t like?

  • Слайд 12


    p. 129, ex. B,C,D Find the mistakes and correct them. There are sentences without mistakes. Put in the missing prepositions and translate into Russian. Translate the sentences into English.

  • Слайд 13


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