Презентация на тему "Стиль руководства и его влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности"

Презентация: Стиль руководства и его влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности
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"Стиль руководства и его влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности" состоит из 8 слайдов: лучшая powerpoint презентация на эту тему находится здесь! Средняя оценка: 3.0 балла из 5. Вам понравилось? Оцените материал! Загружена в 2017 году.

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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  • Презентация: Стиль руководства и его влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности
    Слайд 1

    «Leadership style and they influence on the efficiency of managerialactivity»«Стиль руководства и его влияние на эффективность управленческой деятельности»

    VikrotiaPalamarchuk group 720

  • Слайд 2

    The theme of my course – paper is «Leadership style and they influence on the efficiency of managerial activity».

  • Слайд 3

    I have chosen this them because I am sure it is very important and actual nowaday. Relevance of course-paper related to the ongoing need to select a style of leadership that will be able to perform, not only affects the performance of the organization as a whole, but also on the social - psychological climate in the team. Managerial activity - an essential and the most important component of the functioning of social institutions.

  • Слайд 4

    My course – paper comprises 2 parts. They are the following -

    The first «Leadership style: classification and formation factors». The second «Leadership style and effectiveness of management of the organization».

  • Слайд 5

    The Aim of the course - paper is to study the concept of leadership style, as well as the impact of leadership style on the organization.

    I am course – paper we are going to fulfill the following goals – 1. Study the efficiency of management activities; 2. Discover the essence of the concept of "management style"; 3. Highlight the relationship of leadership style and management performance; 4. To analyze the functionality of the organization; 5. Explore leadership style in the organization; 6. Consider the effect of leadership style on the organization.

  • Слайд 6

    The object of my course - paper is leadership styles as an integration and multi-dimensional concept. The subject of my course – paper is the influence of leadership styles on the efficiency of the organization.

  • Слайд 7

    Now I shall speak about the points of my course – paper in detail.

    The first chapter deals with theoretical aspects of leadership styles. In the second chapter, we are risen leadership style and efficiency of management of the organization on the example of a specific organization.

  • Слайд 8

    Finally we come to the conclusion that Managers - leaders include those managers who have fundamentally different way of thinking and specific abilities. Those that can establish system-communications, to influence others, invent new management practices, to change their leadership style in accordance with the circumstances. Only the managers, leaders will be able to reach the hearts their employees and inspire them with the energy needed for reform.

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