Презентация на тему "Crime and punishment"

Презентация: Crime and punishment
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Презентация powerpoint на тему "Crime and punishment". Содержит 10 слайдов. Скачать файл 2.71 Мб. Самая большая база качественных презентаций. Смотрите онлайн с анимацией или скачивайте на компьютер.

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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  • Презентация: Crime and punishment
    Слайд 1

    Crime and Punishment


  • Слайд 2

    “Punishment is lame, but it comes” George Herbert “Fear follows crime, and is its punishment” Voltaire What are some of the most serious crimes that 21st century societies face? Why do people become criminals? What are the causes of crime? Are some people born bad or do they become criminals as a consequence of the environment?

  • Слайд 3

    What can be done to prevent crime? How can we prevent criminals from committing a crime again? In your opinion, is imprisonment an effective form of punishment? Can you create some alternative forms of punishment like community service?

  • Слайд 4

    Glossary of crimes Felony (a serious crime) Homicide=Murder (the crime of killing a person) Manslaughter (the crime of killing someone unintentionally) Smuggling=Bootlegging (Taking things from a country to illegally) Bigamy (the act of marrying a person while already legally married to sb else) Baby- or wife-battering (the act of hitting sb) Assault (making a sudden and violent attack on sb) Arson (setting a building on fire in order to damage or destroy sth) Embezzlement (illegally taking money that belongs to an organization you work for) Fraud (obtaining money or property by deceiving people) Forgery (an illegal copy of sth, the crime of making copies) Counterfeit (copied exactly in order to make sb believe that the copy is the original) Piracy (the practice of attacking and stealing from ships at sea) Accident fraud (having fake accidents in order to obtain money)

  • Слайд 5

    Swindling (cheating sb in order to get money from them) Perjury (telling lies in court when you have promised to tell the truth) Abuse of power (misusing power) Disorderly conduct (showing bad behaviors that are not suitable for societies) Terrorism (violent actions for political purposes) Criminal attempt (attempting to committing a crime) Speeding (the act of driving a vehicle faster than is legally allowed) Mugging (attacking a person, using force or threats to steal money or possessions) Slander (a false, spoken statement about sb which damages that person’s reputation) Treason (helping your country’s enemies or attempting to illegally remove government) Conspiracy (a secret plan made by two or more people to do sth bad, illegal) Spying (finding out secret information about another country or organization) Drug peddling (selling drugs to people) Larceny (taking sth that doesn’t belong to you, but not in a way that involves force)

  • Слайд 6

    Shoplifting (taking goods illegally from a store without paying for them) Burglary (illegally breaking into a building and stealing things) Pick-pocketing (stealing things out of pockets or bags, especially in a crowd) Petty theft (stealing things that are not very valuable) Hijacking (forcing sb to take control of a vehicle, aircraft that is in the middle of a trip) Blackmail (threatening to harm sb unless the person doesn’t make the payment) Kidnapping (illegally taking a person away by force) Sexual harassment (offensive attention or suggestion) Bribery (the act of giving bribes) Corruption (dishonest, illegal behavior) Trespassing (entering sb’s property without permission) Robbery (stealing money from a bank especially using violence) Theft (the crime of stealing) Vandalism (intentionally damaging public or private property) Looting (stealing things from shops or homes that have been damaged in a war)

  • Слайд 7

    “If he has a conscience he will suffer for his mistake. That will be punishment-as well as the prison." - Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, Ch. 19

  • Слайд 8

    Words and Phrases related to “Crime and Punishment” judge (n); judge (v); judgement (n) lawyer=attorney court jury client trial court case law; constitution execute (v); execution (n) intentionally=on purpose=deliberately catch sb red-handed; be caught red-handed crime=offence (n; criminal (n); commit a crime/an offence (v) investigate (v); police investigation (n) break out of prison=escape=run away=flee from be released from jail/prison accuse sb of=charge with=blame for fine (n); pay a fine (v); fine (v); to be fined=be given a fine (v) verdict (n); reach a verdict (v) witness=testifier (n); testimony (n); witness=testify (v) justice system; fair X unfair pass a law= make a law X abolish=do away with break the law=violate the law

  • Слайд 9

    victim jail=prison (n); imprison=jail=put in prison (v) evidence=proof search for clues be punished with community service set sb free suspect sb of sth (v); suspicious (adj); the suspect (n) the accused=defendant=offender (n) pay compensation counterfeit=fake break into a building arrest sb for a crime=apprehend sb guilty X innocent plead guilty defend (v); defense (n) acquit sb of a crime X convict sb of a crime find sb guilty/innocent; be found guilty of a crime by force confess= admit X deny sentence=punishment=penalty sentence=punish (v); sentence sb to … years in prison prison sentence=imprisonment (n); sentence to imprisonment (v); to be given a prison sentence (v) sentence to death (v); death sentence=death penalty=capital punishment (n) life sentence corporal punishment cell

  • Слайд 10

    ban=forbid=prohibit (v) sue=prosecute=put on trial probation detain (v); detention(n) hostage ransom kidnap=abduct (v) bribe rob (v); robber (n) thief (n); steal (v) murder (v); murderer (n) alimony (n)

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