Презентация на тему "Белгород"

Презентация: Белгород
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  • Презентация: Белгород
    Слайд 1

    Projekt «Sights of Belgorod» Made by Mariya Pazovnikova

  • Слайд 2

    Belgorod Academic drama Shepkin’s theater

    09.01.2017 BelgorodAcademictheaternamedafter M.S. Schepkin. ItwasfoundedinAugust, 1936. Thetheateriscarriedthenameof anativeBelgorodcitizent, Russianactor, MihailSemenovichSchepkin. Thereconstructionoftheaterwasrecentlymade. Nowitisoneofthemostbeautifulandwell equippedtheatersinRussia.

  • Слайд 3

    It's one of a kind!

  • Слайд 4

    Belgorod state museum

    09.01.2017 Belgorodstatehistoriko-kraevedcheskiymuseum - oneoftheeldestestablishmentsofculture.ItwasopenedinOctober, 25, 1924. wecanenjoythehistorythere. Therearemanydifferentexibitionsinit.

  • Слайд 5

    You'd be nuts to miss a chance to see it!

  • Слайд 6

    Belgorod state art museum

    09.01.2017 Belgorodstateartmuseum - oneoftheyoungestartmuseumsinRussia. ItwasopenedforthevisitorsinJuly, 26, 1983. Thereareabout 4 000 worksinthemuseum. Wecanseemainlythemodernworkofourpainters. It'samarvelloussight!

  • Слайд 7

    It's a marvellous sight!

  • Слайд 8

    Belgorod literature museum

    09.01.2017 TheBelgorodliteraturemuseumistheoldestbuildingsinourcity. ItwasHouseofSelivanov. Itwas built in18 centure. Morethan 1000 worksarepresentedinthemuseum. ThereareworksofpopularwritersintheMuseum, forexamplePushkin,Chehov,we can see ancientbooksandoldfurniture. Nothingcanbeatit!

  • Слайд 9

    Nothing can beat it!

  • Слайд 10

    Monument to Shuttles

    09.01.2017 A monument is set in the center of Belgorod. It was opened in November, 2007. Composition is made from bronze. Its three meters height .It's one of a kind!

  • Слайд 11

    It's one of a kind!

  • Слайд 12

    Preobrazhenskiy cathedral

    09.01.2017 Preobrazhenskiy cathedral is an orthodox cathedral in Belgorod,is built in 1813. A stone cathedral was built in honour victory of the Russian troops over Napoleon. There aretwo main sacred objects in the Preobrazhenskiy cathedral. imperishable earthly remains of Svyatitelya Ioasafa and miraculous icon of Nickolay Ratnogo, which is more than 500 years.

  • Слайд 13

    Smolenskiy cathedral

    09.01.2017 Smolenskiycathedral - oneoftheeldesttemples, savedtoourdays. ItwasbuiltinplaceofthephenomenonofmiraculousiconSmolenskGod'sMother, whichhappenedin 1703 onthewallofsouthcitygate. In 1705 awoodenchurchwasburneddownandin 1727 wasrebuilt instone.

  • Слайд 14


    09.01.2017 Sun-clock is placed in the centre of our town. The construction is made from a granite and bronze with the clock-face of 11-meter diameter. Sun-clock in the day-time shows time, and at night are the most bright constellations which are visible in the north hemisphere of Earth. It's one of a kind!

  • Слайд 15

    It's one of a kind!

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