Презентация на тему "Ecological problems in Ukraine and Great Britain"

Презентация: Ecological problems in Ukraine and Great Britain
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  • Презентация: Ecological problems in Ukraine and Great Britain
    Слайд 1

    Ecological problems

  • Слайд 2

    Ecological problems in Ukraine

    1. Air pollution 2. Acid rain 3. Water pollution 4.Destruction of soil 5. Recycling of wastes 6. Deforestation 7. Chernobyldisaster

  • Слайд 3

    Ecological situation in Ukraine

    The most polluted areas

  • Слайд 4

    1. Air pollution

    Lugansk Donetsk Dnepropetrovsk The atmosphere adjudged more than 6 million tons of pollutants and carbon dioxide every year.

  • Слайд 5

    2. Acid rain

    Acid rain is caused by the release into the atmosphere of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. Acid rain is linked with damage to and the death of the forests and lake organisms.

  • Слайд 6

    3. Water pollution

    Today almost all water bodies of the country are close to the 3rd class of pollution. Rivers are filled with poison industrial waste, all kinds of chemical elements and pesticides.

  • Слайд 7

    4.Destruction of soil

    The overuse and misuse of the land lead to falling of fertility. 40% of the total land resources of Ukraine are contaminated.

  • Слайд 8

    5. Recycling of wastes

    The total area of all polygons with waste is already more than 150 hectares (4% of the country). Substances that are released as a result of chemical reactions are able to turn the territory of Ukraine in a continuous zone of ecological disaster.

  • Слайд 9

    6. Deforestation

    Forestry consumption leads to the fact that forests are not restored and they lose biological stability.

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    7. Chernobyl disaster

    The total activity of radio nuclides moved beyond the Chernobyl accident and in the following days after the accident, exceeded 300 million curies. Radiation situation of the territories around the station has improved significantly for the last 25 years.

  • Слайд 11

    Environmental protection in Ukraine

    Ukraine is cooperating with international ecological organization such as “Greenpeace”. Environmental safeguards of conservationwater resources have become more stringent. Ways to overcome the ecological crisis in Ukraine: Develop programme of cardinal recovery of environment and create clean conditions for the present and future generations Develop and approve the Environmental Policy of Ukraine to address every region Provide ecological monitoring system at all levels Use the best foreign practices to create an effective system of environmental safety Provide prohibition of deforestation

  • Слайд 12

    Ecological problems in United Kingdom

    1. Air pollution 2. Water pollution 3.Acid rain 4. Climate change 5. Deforestation 6. Waste 7.Soil pollution

  • Слайд 13

    1. Air pollution

    Smog is a type of air pollutant. This kind of smog is caused by the burning of large amounts of coal within a city; this smog contains soot particulates from smoke, sulfur dioxide and other components. More areas of England warned of 'very high' air pollutions in April 2014.

  • Слайд 14

    2. Water pollution

    Nuclear waste from nuclear plants is discharged into the Irish Sea, making it one of the most radioactive seas in the world. Water pollution within the United Kingdom has led to serious concernsfor the region. The water and air pollution problems of the UK lead to acid rain.

  • Слайд 15

    3.Acid rain

    Acid rain also damages trees buildings, statues and can kill fish in lakes and rivers. They are caused by smoke from factories and power stations and exhaust fumes from transport. It is produced when coal and oil are burnt.

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    Acid rain is caused by the release into the atmosphere of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.

  • Слайд 17

    4. Climate change

    In 2014 was monitored England’s wettest winter in over 250 years with widespread flooding. Year 2014 is estimated as England’s hottest year in over 350 years with climate change contribution.

  • Слайд 18

    5. Deforestation

    All over England woods and forests are being felled and not being replaced. Deforestation is taking place without consulting or taking account of the wishes of local people. It influence on habitants of wood.

  • Слайд 19

    6. Waste

    A significant proportion of food waste is produced by the domestic household, which, in 2007, created 6,700,000 tonnesof food waste. Potatoes, bread slices and apples are the most wasted foods, while salads are thrown away in the greatest proportion.

  • Слайд 20

    7.Soil pollution

    Soil pollution is caused by the presence of xenobiotic chemicals. Contaminated or polluted soil directly affects human health through direct contact with soil. Mercury and cyclodienes–kidney damage Benzene –higher incidence of leukemia Organophosphates and carbonates –neuromuscular blockage

  • Слайд 21

    Environmental protection in UK

    Great Britain careful checks on use of dangerous chemicals Great Britain has adopted a phased programme of reductions in sulphur dioxide emissions from existing large combustion plants of up to 60 per cent by 2003. Ten National parks have been established in England and Wales, four — in Scotland. Water pollution programmesare being worked out in Great Britain nowadays Responsibility for pollution control is divided between local authorities and central government. To prevent air pollution we need to look for other ways of supplying energy. Recycling saves energy and raw materials.

  • Слайд 22

    Thankyou for watching!

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