Физминуткина уроках английского языка
Учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №11» г. Ангарска Головацкая Инна Викторовна
*** Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down! Hands up! To the sides! Bend left! Bend right! One, two, three! Hop! One, two, three! Stop! Stand still!
*** Stand up clap clapArms up clap clapStep step arms downClap clap please sit down
*** Hands on your hips Hands on your knees Put them behind you. If you please Touch your shoulders Touch your nose, Touch your ears, Touch your toes.
*** Hands up clap clap clapHands down shake shake shakeHands on hip jump jump jumpHop hop hop stop stand stillGood sit down please
*** I can jump I can runI can sing I can danceI can swim I can’t flyI can climb and say good bye.
*** Hands on the headHands on the hipsHands on the tableHands like thisHands on the shouldersHands up and downHands behind the headAnd sit down.
*** Two little feet go tap tap tapTwo little hands go clap clap clapTwo little feet go jump jump jumpTwo little hands go thump thump thump
*** One one one little dog runTwo two two cats see youThree three three birds in the treeFour four four frogs on the floor.
*** Stand up and look aroundShake your head and turn aroundStamp your feet upon the groundClap your hands and than sit down.
*** Can you hop like a rabbitCan you jump like a frogCan you walk like a duckCan you run like a dogCan you fly like a birdCan you swim like a fishCan you be like a good childAs still as you wish
*** Stand up!Hands up! Hands down! Sit down! Stand up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right! 1, 2, 3 - hop! 1, 2, 3 - stop!
www.festival.1september.ru 2. www.metodisty.ru 3. www.ourkids.ru 4. www.englishteachers.ru 5. www.pedsovet.org 6. www.1000designs.ru 7. www.liveinternet.ru Для создания презентации использовались материалы сайтов: 8. www.gorizontsobytij.narod.ru/
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