How you keep your healthy life?
Exercise Let`s get started What are the benefits of exercising? Healthy eating stress Have you got bad habits?
There is increasing prevalence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers in this country due to poor physical health. Establishing a healthy lifestyle is your primary and best prevention against many of these conditions.
Let`s get started
Experts say just 30 minutes of activity three to four days per week will help you stay healthier
Exercise every day
Exercise will make you feel better, improve your health and help you perform at your best every day
How do I do this?
There are many ways to exercise every day without going to the gym or to a fitness club. Here a few: Park father away from work, the grocery the shopping mall Take your dog for a 20-30 minute walk every other day. Add exercise into your weekend plans. Turn your store or coffee break into a walking break
Healthy eating
A well balanced diet coupled with regular exercise is a successful combination to help keep your body fit Guide your choices with the help from « Food guide pyramid» and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Healthy eating
Eatingtoomuchsaltcanincreasetheriskofdevelopinghighbloodpressure. Havinghighbloodpressureincreasestheriskofdevelopingcoronaryheartdisease.
Bad habits
Scientists to be nail- biting weakens intelligentchildren and also affect their ability to perception, as they are susceptible to leadpoisoningaccumulatedunderthenails as aresultofplayinginthedustyatmospherebothinside and outsidethehome .. Russian ThiscameinaresearchconductedbymodernscientificcenterinMoscowonhundredsofcasesinwhichchildrennibblesnails. ScientistsbelievethecenterAuralepidemicsPrussiathatnail-bitingmaybewhyhighlevelsoftheelementleadinthebloodofsomechildrenwho يقضمون nailsresultelementofdust and dirtinthefruitsandvegetablesthatdonotwashwell, have also shownhighgirlsIkdmnnails, reaching 69% compared to theboys 62%. Theresearch and previousstudieshaveconfirmedthatchildren’sexposure to leadcontributesgreatlytotheinjuryproblemsinnervegrowth and itmayevenlead to adamagingextenttheentirenervoussystem. Inthisregard, adviseddoctors to monitorthechild and knowthereasonbehindit .. Whichismostlydue to shynessoranxietyOalolmorsadness .. And work to removethiscauseserioushealth ……..
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