Презентация на тему "Internet and its influence on our life. План урока с презентацией." 8 класс

Презентация: Internet and its influence on our life. План урока с презентацией.
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Посмотреть презентацию на тему "Internet and its influence on our life. План урока с презентацией." для 8 класса в режиме онлайн с анимацией. Содержит 11 слайдов. Самый большой каталог качественных презентаций по иностранным языкам в рунете. Если не понравится материал, просто поставьте плохую оценку.


  • Презентация: Internet and its influence on our life. План урока с презентацией.
    Слайд 1

    Internet and its influence.

  • Слайд 2

    1,2,3,4,5 Look – Think - Write

  • Слайд 3


  • Слайд 4

    Let’s practice

    Access ['ækses] Browser ['brauzə] Surf the Net [sɜːf] Email account ['iːmeɪlə'kaunt] Search engine [sɜːʧ 'enʤɪn] Wireless ['waɪələs] Social Network ['səuʃ(ə)l 'netwɜːk] Privacy settings ['praɪvəsɪ 'setɪŋ] Upload [' ʌpləud] Download ['daunləud]

  • Слайд 5


    What do we use Internet for?

  • Слайд 6

    to find and share information to google things for quick answers to study to listen to/download music and video to play online games to send and get emails to chat online to buy things online to work to plan and book trips to share your opinion to make money etc…

  • Слайд 7

    What new information did you get from the text?Share with your shoulder partner. Partner A starts first.

    Timed Pair Share

  • Слайд 8

    Can the Internet have a negative impact on people, especially children? Look - think - write

  • Слайд 9

    Stand up-hand up-pair up

    Stand up Make sure you push your chairs under your desks Take your paper and pen Hand up Find a person who stands next to you Pair up

  • Слайд 10

    Thank you!

  • Слайд 11

    Visit http://neutron.com.ua/internet/10-interesting-google-facts/ and find out 10 most amazing facts about Google. The text represents a blog message and is written in Russian. Your task is to render the facts into English and say which of the facts impress you the most.

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