Презентация на тему "Пособие для учащихся 3 класса по теме "Времена года""

Презентация: Пособие для учащихся 3 класса по теме "Времена года"
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  • Презентация: Пособие для учащихся 3 класса по теме "Времена года"
    Слайд 1


    The English Year

  • Слайд 2

    How many seasons are there in a year?Name them.

    4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn (fall)

  • Слайд 3

    What are the winter months in Britain?

    November, December, January, February

  • Слайд 4

    What holiday do British people celebrate in November?

    Thanksgiving Day People get together, decorate houses, eat roast turkey and pumpkin pie

  • Слайд 5

    When do people celebrate Christmas in Britain? Speak about it.

    On the 25th of December People give presents, send Christmas cards, eat roast turkey and Christmas pudding

  • Слайд 6

    What New Year tradition do people have in Scotland?

    “first footing” (he brings luck to the family)

  • Слайд 7

    What do people celebrate on the 14th of February? What do they do?

    St. Valentine’s Day Buy or make Valentine Cards and send to people they love (they don’t sign them!)

  • Слайд 8

    Where and when do people celebrate St Patrick’s Day?

    On the 17th of March In Ireland

  • Слайд 9

    What are the symbols of St Patrick’s Day?

    Greeting cards Shamrock Green colour

  • Слайд 10

    What other holiday is celebrated in March?

    Mother’s Day (the 4th Sunday of Lent)

  • Слайд 11

    What holidays do British people celebrate in April?

    Easter April Fool’s Day

  • Слайд 12

    What do children get on Easter Sunday?

    Chocolate Easter eggs or rabbits

  • Слайд 13

    What do people do on April Fool’s Day?

    Play jokes and tricks on each other

  • Слайд 14

    What are the summer months in Britain?

    May, June, July, August

  • Слайд 15

    What holiday is celebrated in May?

    May Day

  • Слайд 16

    When do British people celebrate Father’s Day?

    In June (the 3rd Sunday)

  • Слайд 17

    What do people do in summer?

    There are lots of things to do!

  • Слайд 18

    Why don’t many children like autumn?

    Children go back to school

  • Слайд 19

    What do people in Britain celebrate on the 31st of October?


  • Слайд 20

    What is the symbol of Halloween?


  • Слайд 21

    Well done!

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