Я знаю 10слов по теме «Моя комната»
Выполнила: Никанорова М.П. учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия №587
1. What is the English for…?
a shelf b c d table chair armchair
2. What is the English for…?
a bed b c d chair sofa shelf
3. What is the English for…?
a chair b c d table armchair carpet
4. What is the English for…?
a wardrobe b c d shelf bed sofa
5. What is the English for…?
a bookcase b c d sofa table carpet
6. What is the English for…?
a bed b c d armchair carpet desk
7. What is the English for…?
a wardrobe b c d sofa shelf desk
8. What is the English for…?
a bed b c d table armchair desk
9. What is the English for…?
a carpet b c d chair desk armchair
10. What is the English for…?
a bookcase b c d wardrobe sofa shelf
2 3 4 5 1 d c a c b 6 a 7 d 8 b 9 c 10 d
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