Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Стихийные бедствия»
МОБУ гимназия №44 г.Сочи Дзюба М.А.
Phonetic warm-up
Whether the weather is fine,Or whether the weather is not,Whether the weather is cold,Or whether the weather is hot,We’ll weather the weatherWhatever the weatherWhether we like it or not.
Fill in the missing letters
Ea___thqua___e Flo___d To___nado Hur___i___ane Dro___g___t u k c r o r h r
Match the words with the pictures
Hurricane Earthquake Drought Tornado Flood
Fill in the table
What would you do in case of a natural disaster?
Ссылки на использованные источники
http://www.michiganmilitia.com/publicsafety/tornado-natural-disaster-400a061807.jpg http://mo.astrobl.ru/raznochinovskijselsovet/sites/mo.astrobl.ru.raznochinovskijselsovet/files/u218/17238.jpg http://science.compulenta.ru/upload/iblock/c86/earthquake-gallery-3.jpg http://87.pcf.fr/sites/default/files/imagecache/image/secheresse.jpg http://planeta-terra.ucoz.ru/_ph/32/700957662.jpg http://listverse.com/2010/03/15/top-10-most-terrifying-natural-disasters-in-history/
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