Я рисую мир. Цветной урок.
Автор: Петрачкова Татьяна Григорьевна, учитель английского языка Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей №17» Славгород 2013
To ColouredEnglish Lesson!
Count, please! I see a red colour. I see yellow, pink and brown. I see grey, white and green – Jump across the ring! I see purple, orange, and violet. Everybody gets a sweet. I see black and blue – It’s me, he, she and you!
Rainbow In the blue sky there is a bright rainbow. It’ll bring me good luck, I know. Yellow color will give me great health. I consider violet to bring me some wealth. Green will present me hundred years to live. Blue will give fortune, I sure believe. Red color will award me with marvelous love. Of all of my feelings that is above. Emerald color will send me good friend, Who gives me in need his helping hand.
In a dark, dark wood, there is a dark, dark house. And in that dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark room. And in that dark, dark room, there is a dark, dark chest. And in that dark, dark chest, there is a dark, dark shelf. And on that dark, dark shelf, there is a dark, dark box. And in that dark, dark box, there is . . — a GHOST.
colour nature life feelings family symbols holidays
What is your favourite colour?
Red, scarlet, vermilion алый Orange colour апельсиновый beige , fawn (coloured) беж Gold Silver Bronze Emerald Purple багровый Turquoise colour бирюзовый Bag, swamp болотный
Wine colour бордо Coralline коралловый Lilac лиловый Apple green салатный olive coloured оливковый Aubergine цвет баклажан Cherry вишнёвый
Colour Childish, sunny Laughing, lighting, sparkling Crayonsinthebluesky. Rainbow
Flags Arms of coats Flowers
What country is the flag of?
Guess the flag of each part of Britain
You are right!
The flag of Scotland The flag of Britain The flag of Wales The flag of England The flag of Northern Ireland
Match the colour of the flag and its meaning
Yellow Red Green Blue White Courage, bravery, valour, war, fire, heroism Peace, purity, truth, nobility, love of freedom Sky, faithfulness, chastity, spirit, belief Life, revival, justice, youth Love, spiritual life, pleasing to God
You are right!
Red White Blue Green Yellow Courage, bravery, valour, war, fire, heroism Peace, purity, truth, nobility, love of freedom Sky, faithfulness, chastity, spirit, belief Life, revival, justice, youth Love, spiritual life, pleasing to God
Guess the country according to the colour
Oh beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain. Australia! Australia! God shed his grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea. Бескрайними прекрасна небесами Златыми кукурузными полями Величьем пашен и багрянцем гор Австралия, будь господом любима И благостью и братством будь хранима От сих гор до золотых озер.
Symbols Ireland with a shamrock, Scotland with a thistle, England with a rose. There’s nothing better for my nose. I pick up Wales’s daffodils On the pony trekking way. Rose is the symbol of Britain, Don’t you say! Thistles grow near Magic Loch Ness Lake, With small, perfect shamrocks You can a bunch of flowers make!
Name the holiday. Describe the holiday using colours.Give as many colours as possible. Example: It’s Halloween. Black cat, yellow pumpkin…
Happy New Year!
Red Nose Day
For one day of the year, Britain goes crazy. People all over the country (even police officers and teachers) wear red noses and do silly things. It’s Red Nose Day – the day when doing really stupid things can raise loads of money for charity. All the money raised on Red Nose Day goes to people who need it most – to poor and disadvantaged children in Britain and in Africa. Around one-third is given to projects working in the UK and around two-thirds goes to projects working in Africa.
It was British comic Lenny Henry who came up with the idea. «Why not have fun and help people at the same time?» he thought. Other comics liked the idea and in 1985 a special organization - Comic Relief - has raised over $300 million by involving the public and celebrities in fun events. The symbol of Red Nose Day is the clown nose. Each year a different red nose is sold. Since 1985 there have been all kinds of noses: boring plain ones, the ones that looked like faces, then the ones that squeaked, then the ones that changed colour when they got hot, then the ones that stuck their tongues out when squeezed…. And this year’s noses had fuzzy red hair which you could as you pleased (it came with its own gel!) Buying a red nose is one of the ways of giving money to Comic Relief. It costs 1 pound and at least 70 p goes to charity. Five million noses were sold in the UK in the week before March 14th.
What colour is it?
What colour is it?
Finish the phrase
As bright as As white as As yellow as As brown as as pale as As green as As black as a berry coal a death grass snow a luck a cat’s eye
You are right!
As bright as a luck As white as snow As yellow as a cat’s eye As brown as a berry as pale as a death As green as grass As black as coal
Red, yellow, nice, white. Black, good, grey, blue. Brown, purple, pink, viоlet, fare. Which word doesn’t belong to?
Is it true or false?
Match English proverbs and Russian versions of them
You cannot wash charcoal white. A black hen lays a white egg. To angle with a silver hook. All cats are grey in the dark. Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour. The devil is not so black as he is painted. От чёрной курочки, да белое яичко. Удить золотым ключиком. Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют Нет сладкого без горького. Ночью все кошки серы. Чёрную душу и мылом не отмоешь.
You are right!
You cannot wash charcoal white. A black hen lays a white egg. To angle with a silver hook. All cats are grey in the dark. Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour. The devil is not so black as he is painted. Чёрную душу и мылом не отмоешь. От чёрной курочки, да белое яичко. Удить золотым ключиком. Ночью все кошки серы. Нет сладкого без горького. Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют.
Rose Pink Violet Bluebell Buttercup Carnation Crocus Daffodil Daisy Dandelion Forget-me-not Lilac Pansy Peony Poppy Snowdrop Sweet pea tulip PROJECT: draw the garden of flowers
Цветное сочинение
Я очень люблю природу. Каждый год мы всей семьёй: мой брат, мама, папа и бабушка с дедушкой и я - ездим в одно волшебное радужное место. Там огромной высоты тополя тянут свои могучие ветви к лазурному небу и распускают нежные золотистые почки. Молоденькие липкие зелёненькиелисточки только-только начинают раскрываться. Чуть дальше, на полянке, прямо из под чёрной влажной земли поднимают свои нежные головки синиеи фиолетовые подснежники. Уже через несколько дней, выгорев на солнце, они станут светло-серыми, почти белыми. А жарким летним днём здесь стоит невообразимый нежный аромат душистого чабреца и мелких бело-розовыхцветков земляники. А небо такое голубое, такое чистое, что хочется полететь, как птица, над этой красотой! Немного позже начнёт поспевать алая земляника, затем тёмно-бордовымибусинами повиснет на низких кустиках сладкая вишня. И весь луг покроется разноцветнымковром полевых трав и цветов. Это место не сказка, это – малая родина моего дедушки. Когда-то давно здесь была деревня с красивым названием Бубны, где он родился и рос. Деревни нет уже 30 лет, но мы каждый год приезжаем сюда, где воздух особенно прозрачен и свеж, а вода чистая, как слеза! Мы возвращаемся туда, где жили мои прадеды. Сухарев Александр, 9 класс, МБОУ «Лицей №17»
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