Урок английского языка, посвящённый 26-летию действующей Конституции РФ
Подготовил по материалам сети интернет: учитель английского языка МБОУ "Арх-Голицынская ООШ« Цирулев Дмитрий Вадимович “The Constitution of the Russian Federation is 26”
Read the words with the sound -tion [∫n]:constitution declaration revolution protectioneducation formation informationdiscrimination prohibitionprevention
Listen, repeat and recite this poem: This year, 2019, we celebrateThe 26th Constitution DayFor us,united by a common fate,This holiday is very great,Because it gives us freedomAnd all of human rights.
The task of understanding the main idea of the text
The President of Russia is the guarantor of the Constitution. The oath of the President: "I swear, in the exercise of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to observe and protect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, to faithfully serve the people."
Read and translate these words:voter - ['vəutə] –избирательproclaim - [prə'kleɪm] –провозглашатьrevere - [rɪ'vɪə] –почитатьsovereignty - ['sɔvrəntɪ] –суверенитетmultinational - [ˏmʌlɪ'næʃnəl] –многонациональныйliberty - ['lɪbətɪ] –воля
Answer the questions, please:What can you see in the picture?When was the last Constitution adopted? Have you read this document? Do you think it’s important for you to know this document? Why?
Complete the sentences with the word on the right in its appropriate form.
Children must receive a basic general education.
Everyone has the right to rest .
We have the right to health protection and medical care.
Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!
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