Презентация на тему "Alice’s adventures in wonderland" 5 класс

Презентация: Alice’s adventures in wonderland
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Посмотреть и скачать презентацию по теме "Alice’s adventures in wonderland" о праздниках, включающую в себя 10 слайдов. Скачать файл презентации 1.52 Мб. Для учеников 5 класса. Большой выбор учебных powerpoint презентаций о праздниках

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    5 класс
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  • Презентация: Alice’s adventures in wonderland
    Слайд 1

    Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

    By Lewis Carroll

  • Слайд 2

    The characters

    … is a clever little girl who loves adventure. She likes to learn new things, and she enjoys meeting new people. She loves animals. She hate rude people and she doesn’t like people who shout. She is very kind and cares about other people. Alice

  • Слайд 3

    … is a very nervous animal. He is always late, and he worries a lot, because he is scared of the Duchess and he doesn’t want to get into trouble. He works for the King and Queen of hearts. He is quite bossy to people who are smaller than him, but he is afraid of people who are bigger than him! The white rabbit

  • Слайд 4

    … is a very bossy woman who shouts a lot. She always tells people what to do. She can be friendly, but she can also get very angry. She is not very nice to her cook, but she likes Alice and wants to be her friend. The Duscess

  • Слайд 5

    … is mad and very silly. He loves drinking tea and he likes to tell jokes. He talks a lot, but the things he says are not very sensible! His best friend is the Hatter, and they spend all day drinking tea and arguing about silly things. The March Hare

  • Слайд 6

    The Hatter … is just as mad as the March Hare. He sells hats, but he doesn’t have a hat of his own, so he wears hats from his shop. He is lazy, so he doesn’t work very hard. He sits and drinks tea with the March Hare all day, and he can be very rude to people.

  • Слайд 7

    The Queen of Hearts … is very bossy and shouts all the time. She gets very angry with people and wants to cut off their heads, but she never really hurts anyone. She changes her mind a lot, and can be happy one minute and angry the next, so she makes people feel very nervous. She likes to win. And she doesn’t like rude people.

  • Слайд 8

    The King of Hearts … is a gentle man. He never shouts, and he doesn’t get angry very often. He knows that the Queen gets angry a lot, and he tries to calm her down and stop her from shouting at people. He doesn’t talk very much, but he is quite kind.

  • Слайд 9

    … is friendly and cheerful. He is always smiling, because he is a happy cat. He likes Alice and tries to help her when she is lost. He wants to be her friend. He always stays calm, even the Duchess or the Queen shouts at him. The Cheshire cat

  • Слайд 10

    The Mock Turtle … is a very sad animal. He cries all day and he thinks that his life is very bad. He likes to tell people his story and sing songs about his life, but he is very boring and nobody likes to listen to him because he is always crying.

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