Презентация на тему "Scotland (Шотландия)"

Презентация: Scotland (Шотландия)
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"Scotland (Шотландия)" состоит из 13 слайдов: лучшая powerpoint презентация на эту тему с анимацией находится здесь! Средняя оценка: 5.0 балла из 5. Вам понравилось? Оцените материал! Загружена в 2018 году.

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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    английский язык
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  • Презентация: Scotland (Шотландия)
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    I want to tell you about Scotland. Scotland is one of the countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The emblem of Scotland is a red lion on a yellow background. Symbolisme

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    Scotland comprises the northern part of the island of Great Britain. In the south it borders with England. West coast of Scotland meets the Atlantic, East - North Sea. 790 of all the islands of Scotland, only about 130 inhabited islands. Scotland is governed as an integral part of Great Britain. As part of the United Kingdom, the head of state in Scotland is the monarch of the United Kingdom, currently Queen Elizabeth. The area has a beautiful landscape. Géographie and politics

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    Сapital is Edinburgh

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    Scotland's largest city is Glasgow

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    Scottish banks issue their own currency - the Scottish pound. This currency is used only in Scotland. Сurrency Weather The weather in Scotland can change rapidly. It is not rare fog and strong gusts of wind and rain in Scotland for the year falls more than in any other part of the British Isles. Thanks to the Gulf Stream, the weather in Scotland is much warmer than in the Russian winter. In the Scottish mountains this time heavy snowfall, and in lowlands winter rains often.

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    Sights Scotland famous for the kilt and bagpipes.The tradition of wearing a kilt appeared the Scots because of the local topography - Scotland entirely covered by mountains, because in such attire has long been convenient to move, and at night they same and hide. Now kilt became part of the national heritage and its historical function anymore.

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    Well-known attractions include the Scottish Loch Ness. Legends about the Loch Ness monster lives at depths of the lake, still go even among Russian tourists, many specially come on a tour in the hope that they are lucky to see this famous monster.

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    Also tourists especially recommended to visit Edinburgh Castle. It is on the edge of a cliff Castle Rock, and its walls hide dense forests. Here once before made ​​a hot war and the castle was the point of defense. Now it has turned into a museum, it is possible to see for the treasures of the Scottish crown. Castle like evokes a sense of independence and numerous military victories.

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