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  • Презентация:
    Слайд 1

    Life saving appliances

  • Слайд 2

    Life jacket Life buoy Immersion suit Life raft;Life boat; Life boat davit; Lifeboat falls Free-fall lifeboat Rescue boat Life saving appliances:

  • Слайд 3

    Life jacket Life jackets for outfitting large commercial transport ventures in potentially dangerous waters, such as coastal cruises, offshore passages, and overwater air flights, consisting of either a single air chamber or a pair of (twin or double) sealed air chambers constructed of coated nylon (sometimes with a protective outer encasing of heavier, tougher material such as vinyl), joined together. For use aboard ships they may be constructed of foam. Twin air chambers provide for redundancy in the event of one of the air chambers leaking or failing to "fire", for example if the thin air cell fabric is sliced open by sharp metal fragments during emergency evacuation and egress.

  • Слайд 4

    life saving buoy designed to be thrown to a person in the water, to provide buoyancy and prevent drowning. Some modern lifebuoys are fitted with one or more seawater-activated lights, to aid rescue at night. The lifebuoy is usually ring- or horseshoe-shaped and has a connecting line allowing the casualty to be pulled to the rescuer in a boat. They are carried by ships and are also located beside bodies of water that have the depth or potential to drown someone. They are often subjected to vandalism which, since the unavailability of lifebuoys could lead to death, may be punished by fines (up to £5,000 in the United Kingdom) or imprisonment. Life buoy

  • Слайд 5

    Immersion suit is a special type of waterproof dry suit that protects the wearer from hypothermia from immersion in cold water, after abandoning a sinking or capsized vessel, especially in the open ocean. They usually have built-on feet (boots), and a hood, and either built-on gloves or watertight wrist seals. The first record of a survival suit was in 1930 when a New York firm American Life Suit Corporation offered merchant and fishing firms what it called a safety suit for crews of ocean vessels. The suit came packed in a small box and was put on like a boilersuit. Immersion suit

  • Слайд 6

    A lifeboat is a small, rigid or inflatable boat carried for emergency evacuation in the event of a disaster aboard a ship. Lifeboat drills are required by law on larger commercial ships. Rafts (liferafts) are also used. In the military, a lifeboat may double as a whaleboat, dinghy, or gig. The ship's tenders of cruise ships often double as lifeboats. Recreational sailors usually carry inflatable life rafts, though a few prefer small proactive lifeboats that are harder to sink and can be sailed to safety. Inflatable lifeboats may be equipped with auto-inflation (carbon dioxide or nitrogen) canisters or mechanical pumps. A quick release and pressure release mechanism is fitted on ships so that the canister or pump automatically inflates the lifeboat, and the lifeboat breaks free of the sinking vessel. Commercial aircraft are also required to carry auto-inflating life rafts in case of an emergency water landing; offshore oil platforms also have liferafts. Life raft; Life boat; Life boat davit; Lifeboat falls

  • Слайд 7

    Life raft Life boat Life boat davit

  • Слайд 8

    Lifeboat falls

  • Слайд 9

    Freefall lifeboats Our lifeboat design capabilities are founded on many years of experience – a track record featuring the design of a large range of freefall lifeboats constructed to the latest SOLAS regulations and LSA code. Suitable for installation on merchant shipping, MODUs and offshore platforms, they are complemented by a full suite of survival craft davits. They're backed by a worldwide installation, commissioning and maintenance service provided by our own team of mobile engineers. Free-fall lifeboat

  • Слайд 10

     Resque boat is used to attend a vessel in distress, or its survivors, to rescue crew and passengers. It can be hand pulled, sail powered or powered by an engine. Lifeboats may be rigid, inflatable or rigid-inflatable combination hulled vessels. Rescue boat

  • Слайд 11

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