Презентация на тему "Kyzylorda history AJ"

Презентация: Kyzylorda history AJ
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  • Презентация: Kyzylorda history AJ
    Слайд 1


  • Слайд 2

    PURPOSE OF THE VIRTUAL TOUR In the current global pandemic, virtual travel provides opportunities for distance learning and education. Access to information for students with special educational needs in the context of general education The political importance of the educational purpose based on the chosen topic and objects: To introduce children with the historical and cultural heritage of Kyzylorda region

  • Слайд 3
  • Слайд 4
  • Слайд 5
  • Слайд 6

    Find the first name of Kyzylorda:

    Akmola Akmeshi Perovsk Orenbur

  • Слайд 7
  • Слайд 8
  • Слайд 9

    Point the cosmodrome in Kyzylorda region:

  • Слайд 10
  • Слайд 11
  • Слайд 12

    Show the Korkyt Ata complex:

  • Слайд 13
  • Слайд 14
  • Слайд 15

    №1 слайдтағыфондықбейнесі: https://phonoteka.org/uploads/posts/2021-05/1620200222_4-phonoteka_org-p-fon-puteshestvie-dlya-detei-4.jpg №2слайдтағыфондықбейнесі: https://rextheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Guide-To-Create-A-Virtual-Tour-Feature_Image.jpg №3слайдтағыҚызылордабейнесі: https://taunews.kz/uploads/materials/4697/1543946754_shara34.jpg №3 слайдтағыТұңғышПрезиентіпаркібейнесі: https://maps.spravka-region.ru/img/185/9167640864133674.jpg №3 слайдтағыҚорқытатаескерткішібейнесі: https://storage.yvision.kz/images/user/405505/104490884d32bbcb4745a1bf2d2c8b.jpg №4 слайдтағывидеолардың сілтемесі: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaWDO7KaeEk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MssUPCAM1jM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeZOneiRUPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nTC58TDb2E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0ktgWlN7SE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmmMDPY1D9U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osYYNrx9qLo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osYYNrx9qLo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHgcS230cp0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VERSEjMgNI4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IPuymDEikU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeEzsmQ0amg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ2fJ_LLAeA №5слайдтағы «Feedback»бейнесі: https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/540/077/original/vector-feedback-word-lettering-illustration.jpg №5слайдтағы «Start»бейнесі: https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/157-1579325_3d-start-button-png-transparent-png.png №6слайдтағы «Questions/Answers»бейнесі: https://www.proedgeskills.com/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/ps-questions-answers-800-500-custom_crop.jpg №6слайдтағы «Virtual boy»бейнесі: https://cdn3.vectorstock.com/i/1000x1000/84/02/a-white-man-in-virtual-reality-headset-doing-vector-20808402.jpg №6слайдтағы «button rectangle»бейнесі:https://webstockreview.net/images/medal-clipart-purple-12.png №7, 10, 13 слайдтағы «emoji good job»бейнесі:https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/b6/c7/34b6c762033b892809e17ebb05bf6834.jpg №7, 10, 13 слайдтағы «button next»бейнесі:https://www.seekpng.com/png/detail/81-817961_buttons-designed-by-freepik-button-next-arrow-png.png №8, 11, 14 слайдтағы «emoji try again button»бейнесі:https://miro.medium.com/max/920/1*Gv9r2uM9_TvGhotcutAS3g.png №8, 11, 14 слайдтағы «try again button»бейнесі:https://b7.pngbarn.com/png/423/459/brand-logo-font-game-buttorn-png-clip-art.png №9, 12 слайдтағы «Байқоңыр ғарыш айлағы»бейнесі:https://potokmedia.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2753255214.jpeg №9, 12 слайдтағы «Вокзал»бейнесі: https://el.kz/upload/storage_el/c9/c9eae97fed9edd7ecc72a0956601ba87.jpg №9 слайдтағы «Н.Бекежанова атындағы драма театры»бейнесі: https://old.kzvesti.kz/uploads/posts/2020-09/1600233850_1536127986_bekzhanov.jpg №9, 12 слайдтағы «Облыстық тарихи – өлкетану музейі»бейнесі:http://old.kzvesti.kz/uploads/posts/2019-05/1558348335_60310001_2266219163631578_5742130477410549760_n.jpg №9 слайдтағы«Қорқыт ата ескерткіші»бейнесі:https://qazaqstan3d.kz/upload/thumbed/940x498/696010_1504526035_940_498_0.png

  • Слайд 16

    Ауызша айтатын: 1-слайд: Hello, my friends! I’d like to begin my speech with saying of Anderson, "to travel is to live". Maybe you also like to travel. Travel is a reflection of life. We all need a comfortable place to travel, a new environment. So, today we are making a virtual tour of the historical and cultural heritage of our native land. 2-слайд: This virtual tour has three main purpose: In the current global pandemic, virtual travel provides opportunities for distance learning and education. Access to information for students with special educational needs in the context of general education The political importance of the educational purpose based on the chosen topic and objects: To introduce children with the historical and cultural heritage of Kyzylorda region 3-слайд: Friends, have you already visited the Kyzylorda? Taking in a virtual tour of Kyzylorda, you can get great pleasure.

  • Слайд 17

    Видео қосылады: Dear children! Today is a wonderful day! Because, we are traveling to our native land - the Syrdarya region, which is the head of State called "Mother of Alash". The history and cultural heritage of the Syrdarya region is very rich. In the region there are the Aral Sea and the SyrDarya River. You know, Syrdarya used to be called" Seyhun"," Yaxart". Our land is full of wealth. There are lots of reserves of uranium, lead, oil, and salt. The SyrDaryaregion is the land of poetry, the birthplace of white rice! You guys, look at this interesting information! The capital of the Syrdarya region – Kyzylorda-was the capital of the Kazakh people in 1925-1929. At the time of the state place of Soviet Union, the city was Perovsk, and since 1922 it has been called Akmeshit. In 1925, the city was named Kyzylorda in honor of the fact that it became the capital. All documents, drawings, monuments of the time of capital are now stored in this museum. Our train station is also a historical monument. The first caravan from the capital – Orenburg-was met at this station. Guys, I'm going to introduce you another interesting information. In the central square of our city there is a music and drama theatre named after Nartai Bekezhanov. This theatre was opened in 1926, when our city was the capital.

  • Слайд 18

    Young friends, there is a cosmodrome "Baikonur" in the Syrdarya region. It is located in the Karmakshinsky District of the region, built in 1955. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time from Baikonur. After we got independence, Kazakh cosmonauts Toktar Aubakirov, Talgat Musabayev, Aydin Aimbetov flew into space. Do you guys notice that our journey is becoming more interesting? There is a Korkyt-Ata complex in our region. It is also located in Karmaksha district. Korkyt ATA is a thinker, wise, and master of kobyz instrument, common to the entire Turkic people. He lived in the former City of Zhankent on the SyrDarya River. There is a legend about Korkyt Ata. Look, the Korkyt-Ata complex is very beautiful. The complex has an amphitheater, a museum, and a hilvet. The korkyt-Ata complex is visited by foreign tourists. Young friends, the sacred place where the entire history and cultural values of our region is collected in the Regional Museum. In this important place, you can not only read all the Chronicles and data of the region, but also see various exhibits.

  • Слайд 19

    АуызшаайтатынКерибайланыс: Guys, what did you understand from this virtual tour? I have prepared tasks for you. Let's do it: 1. Find the first name of Kyzylorda: a) Akmola b) Akmeshit c) Perovsk d) Orenburg  /Well done/   2. Point the cosmodrome in Kyzylorda region: Photos /Good job/   3. Show the Korkyt Ata complex: Photos  /Excellent Well done, guys! Thank you so much for being with me on the trip!

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