Презентация на тему "Borrowed words in the english language" 4 класс

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"Borrowed words in the english language" состоит из 12 слайдов: лучшая powerpoint презентация на эту тему с анимацией находится здесь! Средняя оценка: 1.0 балла из 5. Вам понравилось? Оцените материал! Загружена в 2021 году. Для учеников 4 класса.

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  • Презентация: Borrowed words in the english language
    Слайд 1

    Borrowed words in the English language

    Performed: Matveenko Anastasia

  • Слайд 2

    9 languages that influenced the English dictionary

    It is said that there are very few true English words in the vocabulary of the English language – it consists of words borrowed from other languages. Languages grow, develop, and change. They are interlinked with and influenced by other cultures. Therefore, new words are introduced, and old ones are relegated to the background. Obviously, none of the dates indicates a specific moment when the language changed, and therefore it is very difficult to determine the exact time and method of formation of a particular word. On the contrary, the appearance of words in English usually had nothing to do with the great battles or other historical events that brought new peoples and rulers to English-speaking territories. However, even if there are no major events that provoke the two countries and their languages to be in close contact, there are still many ways to interact, especially now, in the era of the global economy and the internationalization of the market. So English has adopted many words from Japanese, Russian, Italian, German, French, Chinese, Spanish, and even Persian.

  • Слайд 3

    Old Norwegian

    It is impossible to discuss the English language we speak today without mentioning the influence of old Norse — the large-scale introduction of Norse words into what is now known as old English. During the Norman occupation, more than 10,000 new words were introduced and most of them are still in use. These are the words: cake (торт) fog (туман) die (умереть) happy (счастливый) husband (муж) leg (нога) mistake (ошибка) window (окно)

  • Слайд 4


    At the same time, many old French words began to be introduced into English, as French was established as the language of the court. The influence of the French language is easy to recognize today. 30% of the vocabulary comes from French, so many of the words you can remember now were probably taken from it — freedom, justice as opposed to freedom and justice, as well as some simple words like: machine (машина) garage (гараж) terrain (рельеф) collage (коллаж)

  • Слайд 5


    This is hard to believe, but the English language uses many words borrowed from Japan. While most of them denote something specific from Japanese culture and lifestyle (such as martial arts), others have emerged because of popular brands. Thus, we have: ycoon (магнат) kimono (кимоно) Sudoku (судоку) karaoke (караоке), the original meaning of which was"open orchestra". Plus, brand names that everyone knows: Nintendo Sega

  • Слайд 6


    China's growing economic power has initiated the adoption of a number of Chinese words. “Long time, no see " is just one of the common phrases originally taken from Chinese. In addition to this, there are the following words: ketchup (кетчуп) silk (шелк) tea (чай) fengshui (фэн-шуй)

  • Слайд 7


    Arabic words were introduced into English directly or through another language that English interacted with. Here are some everyday words that are of Arabic origin: coffee (кофе) banana (банан) lemon (лимон) lemonade (лимонад) algebra (алгебра) zero (ноль) sofa (диван) mattress (матрас)

  • Слайд 8


    The world's most widely spoken Slavic language, Russian, has also contributed to the expansion of the English vocabulary, although not as widely as in some other languages. Here are some words that we still use today in English, taken from Russian: bridge game (игра в бридж) cosmonaut (космонавт) troika (тройка) samizdat (самиздат)

  • Слайд 9


    English and Spanish have interacted for centuries, which makes sense given how close the territories of great Britain and Spain are. The US and Mexico are also close to each other, and their citizens interact in many ways. Some common words were borrowed from Spanish: vanilla (ваниль) macho (мачо) platinum (платина) cigar (сигара)

  • Слайд 10


    The most widely used Italian words refer to kitchen: pizza (пицца) pasta (паста) spaghetti (спагетти) In addition, the following words were adopted from Italian: balcony (балкон) cartoon (мультфильм) gallery (галерея) graffiti (граффити)

  • Слайд 11


    Here are some of the most popular English words of German origin: hamburger (гамбургер) kindergarten (детский сад) zeitgeist (дух времени) But this is certainly not all. Since the history of German-English contacts is particularly interesting, I recommend that you learn more about the first German settlers and their influence on the development of language and culture.

  • Слайд 12

    Borrowings in the English language do not harm it, but, on the contrary, enrich its vocabulary and help the development of word formation. If you know the features of borrowings from different languages, it becomes easier and clearer to learn English.

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