Презентация на тему "Gerund and infinitive"

Презентация: Gerund and infinitive
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Презентация powerpoint на тему "Gerund and infinitive". Содержит 18 слайдов. Скачать файл 0.08 Мб. Самая большая база качественных презентаций. Смотрите онлайн с анимацией или скачивайте на компьютер.

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  • Презентация: Gerund and infinitive
    Слайд 1


    V+ingorTo V ?

  • Слайд 2


    Somewordsarefollowedbythe GERUND. E.g.: doing Somewordsarefollowedbythe INFINITIVE. E.g.: to do Here’s a tabletohelpyou

  • Слайд 3


          ●  After verbs that express likes/dislikes:                  like, love, enjoydislike, hatedon't mind, can't stand ..... doing ●  After verbs that  refer to a future event :    want,  hope,  intend would like,    promise .........  to do

  • Слайд 4

    After certain other verbs,  such as :          admit             imagineappreciate     involveavoid             keep (on)consider        mentiondelay             missdeny              postponefinish             suggest ........ doing ●  After certain other verbs, such as  :                afford           helpagree           learnarrange        managechoose         offerfail               refusehappen        seem ..............   to do

  • Слайд 5

    After certain expressions: it's no use ...it's no good ...there's no point in .............. doing After "too" & "enough":       too difficult easy enough  .....................  to do

  • Слайд 6

    After prepositions :       interested in ...    instead of ...good at ...before ...after ................................... doing After adjectives:                   glad  (ex : glad to know...)pleased  (ex : pleased to meet you...)disappointed  (ex : disappointed to hear...)

  • Слайд 7


    The verbs : begin/start/continue can be followed by the gerund or the infinitive with little or no change in meaning

  • Слайд 8

    The verbs : stop/try/remember can also take both, but the meaning changes

  • Слайд 9


    STOP I’vestoppedwatchingcartoons. Meaning: Stop an activity

  • Слайд 10

    STOP Westoppedtogotothetoilets at the petrol station. Meaning: Stop in orderto

  • Слайд 11

    TRY I ‘ve triedtounderstand his English, but I wasunsuccessful. Meaning: Make an effort

  • Слайд 12

    TRY Let’stryrestartingthecomputer. Meaning: Seeif it works

  • Слайд 13

    REMEMBER Remembertobringyourportfoliototheclasstomorrow. Meaning: Don’tforget

  • Слайд 14

    REMEMBER I remembercollectingmarbles in ouroldneighbourhood. Meaning: Pastmemory

  • Слайд 15

    REGRET I regrettotellyouthatyourapplication has beenrejected. Meaning: Toapologiseforsomethingbad. Toinformsomethingbad. This is used in moreformalsituations.

  • Слайд 16

    REGRET I regret not sayinggoodbyebeforeleaving. Meaning: To be sorrynowforsomethingwedid in thepast.

  • Слайд 17

    Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

    1.    It's obvious he's only interested in (make) ______________ money. 2.    Anne couldn't find a taxi so I offered (drive) ________________ her to the station. 3.   I managed (book) ________________ two seats on the morning flight. 4.   I promise (send) _______________ you our new brochure as soon as it's available.   5.   Peter was delighted (meet) _______________ a former colleague at the conference.  making todrive tobook tosend tomeet

  • Слайд 18

    6.   I avoid (take) _______________ the car whenever possible, especially in big cities. 7.   We finished the job by (work) _______________ 12 hours a day.   8.   Bob sent a report to the Chairman instead of (attend) _______________ the meeting. 9.   A lot of people dislike (drive) _______________ at night.   10.  I intend (speak) _______________ to my boss about your complaint. taking working attending driving tospeak

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