Marketing for Project Managers
Mission – Why Are We Doing This?
The “raison d’être” of any organization. A mission statement should succinctly define the organization’s purpose, products, values, targets and geographic scope.
What do you think marketing is?
1. What is Marketing ?
4 Exchange of Value “The process of planning and executing the conception, Pricing, Promotion and Distribution of Ideas, Goods, or Services to Create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals” (American marketing Association)
The Marketing Mix
Product Price Place Promotion
In addition to the famous 4P's, some say we need to add People and Time and Specificity of the Company
1. Product
7 A good, service, idea, person, event, place, or organization that can be offered to satisfy consumers in exchange of money or some other unit of value.
How is our service delivered? How does our client get it?
What does our service cost? Remember that even FREE is a price.
Promotion -- Communication
The process of conveying a message to others in order to: Inform:Consumers can store for later use Persuade:Change attitudes Remind:Keep the “product” in the consumer's mind Reinforce:Encourage repeated use
Key marketing questions
11 Why are we in business? Where are we today? Where do we want to be? How do we plan to get there? Mission Analysis Vision Strategy
Marketing Environment The sum of all factors that affect our organization
12 Macroenvironment Microenvironment Customers Scanning the environment : Collecting and Analyzing relevant Marketing Information
13 MACRO -
Mission Driven Enterprises
14 Do you think that mission driven enterprises are different form consumer goods companies? Why or why not?
Traditional marketing Model
15 The Market dictates what product to make Mission: public satisfaction Goal: financial success
Mission Driven Organization Marketing Model
16 The product leads to the public, not the reverse Goal: mission not money
17 Purchase evaluation we use our common sense Purchase decision Alternative evaluation Information search Problem recognition Consumer Decision Making and Us R
Promotion – Communicating our Message to our Clients
19 Indifference Attention Interest Desire Trial Adoption
2.Promotional tools
20 Sponsorships Public relations Sales promotion Direct / E-marketing Advertising Personal selling
Effective Message
21 Reach the consumer Creative Memorable Understandable
22 Frequency Reach
Social Media and Marketing Communication
Social media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos, and audio.
Web 2.O
Web 2.0 is a loosely defined intersection of web application features that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.
What Are Social Networks?
Users create public profiles Discover others with similar interests or backgrounds Create an online network of “friends” or colleagues
Benefits to your Organization
Public Relations Customer Services Loyalty Building Collaboration Networking Search Engine Optimization Raise Funds
Some differences in tactics
Web 1.0 Brand in control One way / Delivering a message Repeating the message Focused on the brand Educating Organization Creates Content Web 2.0 Audience in control Two way / Being a part of a conversation Adapting the message/ beta Focused on the audience / Adding value Influencing, involving User created content / Co-creation Source: Slide 10 from "What's Next In Media?" by Neil Perkin Obtained from Leveraging Social Media for Fundraising Success by Michael Ames http://www.slideshare.net/mikeyames/leveraging-social-media-for-fundraising-success
Some Demographic InformationSource: http://www.checkfacebook.com/
As of 2/17/12, Facebook has 812,135,620 users world wide. The United States has almost 66% or users. Among US users: 18-24 24.3% 25-34 23.6% 35-44 16.7% 45-54 12.9% 55-64 8.1% 65+ 5.0% Females are 54.9 % Males are 45.1%
YouTube has over 2 Billion views per day In any 60-day period, more video is created and posted than network television created and broadcast in 60 years.
Who Uses TwitterSource: http://adage.com/article/adagestat/demographics-facebook-linkedin-myspace-twitter/227569/
Less than 10% of the US population is using Twitter. It is growing very rapidly Almost no one reads Tweets more than 6 hours old 45.4% Female 54.6 % Male 18-29 41.5% 30-49 42.3% 50-64 13.7% 65+ 2.6%
Linked Inhttp://www.slideshare.net/amover/linkedin-demographics-statistics-jan-2012
147 Million users 57.9% Male and 42.1% Female fastest growing group is 18-24 – 25.8% 25-34 – 33.3% 35-54 – 33.4% 54+ 6.6% Almost 13% of users are from non-profit, arts, media, and service sectors. Almost 70% of users are senior management, directors, etc.
Statistics and Facts
75% of Americans use social media 33% of adults online post to social media sites at least once a week 66% of all internet users in the world visit social networks Using social media is done more often than reading email It is growing 3 times faster than the internet 93% of social media users believe an organization should have a presence in social media Sources Forrester, Wecando.biz
Work Smarter – Use Tools
You can update multiple accounts at the same time Desktop – TweetDeck, Seesmic Monitor what people are saying about you SocialOomph, Twendz, Google Alerts No staff? Want outside help?Usea company like GiveZooks.com (not an endorsement!)
Remember To…
Listen & Engage It’s a dialogue, not a monologue 85% of social media users believe that a company should also interact with its customers Be Active Update your information regularly Measure Audience How does it fit into your offline goals?
Is Social Media Right for You?
Which social media tools will allow you to reach your desired audience? How will you incorporate it into your current online and offline efforts? What resources can you put into it? Who will do the work? Does your agency should have a Social Media policy? It’s okay to say it isn’t right for you. But think carefully!
Keys to success
Keep your site current Change content continuously Twitter and blog posts Status updates Pictures & videos Be interactive and responsive Don’t make fundraising the primary focus Inform Engage Inspire Focus on issues, not only on your organization
Conclusion…What We’ve Learned
Social media isn’t a fad Billions of users across the globe There are many, many tools No one tool is right for everyone They are not hard to learn Enhances your fundraising It’s a marathon not a sprint You should think strategically with Social Media Source: Dave Tinker CFRE
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