Презентация на тему "led zeppelin"

Презентация: led zeppelin
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Посмотреть и скачать бесплатно презентацию по теме "led zeppelin", состоящую из 21 слайда. Размер файла 1.4 Мб. Каталог презентаций, школьных уроков, студентов, а также для детей и их родителей.

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  • Презентация: led zeppelin
    Слайд 1

    Презентация на тему:Led Zeppelin

    Подготовил студент 105 группы лечебного факультета Борискин Никита. Преподаватель: Торубарова Ирина Ивановна. ГБОУ ВПО “Воронежская Государственная МедицинскаяАкадемия им. Н.Н. Бурденко“ Кафедра иностранных языков 2011

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    1968-1980 Hard-rock Folk-rock Blues-rock The source of heavy metal

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    from the Lead Zeppelin

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    Plant loved to wear women's clothes at concerts.

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    Old & New Robert Medvedev D. A.

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    Jimmy Page Jimmy Page – english musician, guitar player, theremin player,great improviser, composer, arranger, and outstanding rock guitarist, who has spearheaded the Led Zeppelin and remained until the end of the musical "brain" of the group. Among the ten best guitarists in the world by many magazinesopinion.

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    Jimmy Page first used the bow for guitar. The company produced custom-made Gibson guitar doblefretboard especially for Jimmy Page.It needed him to perform at concerts the song “Stairway to heaven”.

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    John Paul Jones John Paul Jones - bass guitarist, keyboardist, arranger beautiful, melodic rhythm section group. It is recognized one of the best bass guitarists in rock music.

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    It is remarkable that he could combine playing keyboards and bass guitar. He played with his hands on the keys and pedals on the floor were like organ pedals. John Paul Jones made the bass sounds by leg!

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    John Bonham John Bonham - drummer. According to many magazines best drummer in the history of rock music. Unlike many rock drummers of his perfectly turned out to vary the rhythm section.

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    Jimmy Page (guitar) was fond of occult. He came up with four characters that represent each group member. It was a complete unity. The ideal group, each complements each other. Jimmy Robert Jones Bonzo

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    In his spare time, they had fun. Entertainment is well reflected in the motto seventieth: Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll. Jimmy Page using heroin. He is a living example of a fully released from the dependence of man. Bonzo drank a lot. Once, he drank heavily, and during sleep choking vomit. This led to the death. Members decided that the group without Bonzo could not exist. So broke up Led Zeppelin.

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    Bonzo drank a lot. Once, he drank heavily, and during sleep choking vomit. This led to the death. Members decided that the group without Bonzo could not exist. So broke up Led Zeppelin (1980).

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    The pinnacle creativity of the band was the song “Stairway to Heaven” (1971). According to Jimmy Page (guitar) it entered into the full potential of the group. This song has a lot of awards.

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