Презентация на тему "Project “healthy life style”"

Презентация: Project “healthy life style”
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Скачать презентацию (5.38 Мб). Тема: "Project “healthy life style”". Содержит 18 слайдов. Посмотреть онлайн. Загружена пользователем в 2019 году. Оценить. Быстрый поиск похожих материалов.

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  • Презентация: Project “healthy life style”
    Слайд 1



  • Слайд 2

    Sleep a lot - a little life.

    Maybe this is a strange saying, but it's true. If you sleep very much that serotonin metabolism is disturbed and become depressed and because of the depression you can spoil relationships with friends and family.

  • Слайд 3

    What do you do to keep fit?

    Sport plays an important role in people's life. Many people do morning exercises, go jogging and go to the gym. As for me, I do sport regularly. My favorite sport is skiing and I with my family every vacation we go skiing. This helps me feel fit and healthy. But keeping fit doesn't mean only doing sport. It also includes the right way of eating. Nowadays it is very popular to go on a diet. As for me I like to eat, and I hope that it does not end bad. Also smart people haven’t got harmful physiological habits.

  • Слайд 4

    Do you agree that bad habits like smoking can be dangerous for your health? Why?

    Of course I’m agree. Nowadays smoking one of the most dangerous habits in our world. I’m sure that inhalation of tobacco smoke is bad for the people who stand near a smoker. I’m sure that it is impossible to ban smoking, people believe that smoking can easily relieve stress and they think that with a cigarette they look cool and fashionable. A well-known proverb says “one drop of nicotine kills a hours”. Also there are a lot of different habits, wich can destroy our body. Such us: drin

  • Слайд 5

    Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including around 46 carcinogens. Some of it : hydrogen cyanide in rat poison.

  • Слайд 6

    Nicotine in insecticide

  • Слайд 7

    Acetone in nail polish remover

  • Слайд 8

    Formaldehyde to embalm deat body

  • Слайд 9

    Methanol in rocket fuel

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    Smoking can lead to different diseases. For example : bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, lung cancer, and so on.

  • Слайд 11

    Also there are a lot of different habits, which can destroy our body. Such us: drinking alcohol, taking drugs.

  • Слайд 12

    Alcohol can destroy your brain for a few months. Also there are many accidents happen because of alcohol

  • Слайд 13

    Drugs can easily destroy the body, so the addicts die young. It's hard to give up, so you have to appeal to people who can help you

  • Слайд 14

    Give up it!

    You should think about your health, and the health of your family. It’s very difficult to stop smoking or drinking alcohol , so you need to ask special services. It was physical habits, but there are psychological habits as internet or computer games, here you just have to find something that you will be more like , or just think is it important to you?

  • Слайд 15

    Fast food orYou are what you eat

    It’s a good chance to have a snack when you don’t have enough time. Isn’t expensive, you can buy it almost everywhere. So tasty.

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    But eat to much fast food can lead to overweight. Also lead to problem with heart and breathing.

  • Слайд 17

    Avoid fast food

    In my opinion you Can eat fast food, but not all time. You should understand that homemade food more tasty, and haven’t got different artificial color and bad additive.

  • Слайд 18
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