Презентация на тему "Special places in russia"

Презентация: Special places in russia
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Текст Special places in Russia Lake Baikal is the heart of Russian nature. This is the oldest lake.It is the largest fresh water reservoir on Earth. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world Animals of Baikal •Near this lake is home to many animals. Many species are found only here. •Nerpa - one of the most famous animals living here. This animal is in the red book because of poaching Flora of lake Baikal •Various  trees and shrubs grow on the Baikal shores, so its landscapes  are unforgettable! Baikal is in danger! However, this beautiful place is under threat! Water pollution, debris, deforestation and poaching are major threats. People have had a bad influence on the life of this lake. But we should hope that we will be able to save lake Baikal, because this place is an amazing creation of nature

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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    английский язык
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  • Презентация: Special places in russia
    Слайд 1

    Special places in Russia

    Lake Baikal

  • Слайд 2

    Lake Baikal

    Baikal is the deepest lake in the world Lake Baikal is the heart of Russian nature. This is the oldest lake.It is the largest fresh water reservoir on Earth.

  • Слайд 3

    Animals of Baikal

    Near this lake is home to many animals. Many species are found only here. Nerpa - one of the most famous animals living here. This animal is in the red book because of poaching

  • Слайд 4

    Flora of lake Baikal

    Various trees and shrubs grow on the Baikal shores, so its landscapes are unforgettable!

  • Слайд 5

    Baikal is in danger!

    However, this beautiful place is under threat! Water pollution, debris, deforestation and poaching are major threats. People have had a bad influence on the life of this lake. But we should hope that we will be able to save lake Baikal, because this place is an amazing creation of nature.

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