Презентация на тему "The heroes – children of the second world war"

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"The heroes – children of the second world war" состоит из 5 слайдов: лучшая powerpoint презентация на эту тему находится здесь! Средняя оценка: 5.0 балла из 5. Вам понравилось? Оцените материал! Загружена в 2019 году.

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  • Презентация: The heroes – children of the second world war
    Слайд 1

    The Heroes – Children of the Second World War

    Ульяна Двойчинкова ГБОУ Школа № 1324 (409) Did you have childhood?

  • Слайд 2

    They don’t

  • Слайд 3

    Valentin Kotik

    Valentin Kotik (11/02/1930, Hmelevka, Ukraine – 17/02/1944 Izyaslav, Ukraine) He was 11. Valya and his friends armed with grenades caught a car of the chief of police. The fascist was killed. Then Valya acted only on instructions of partisans. He was gathering weapons and passing out leaflets. In summer 1943 Valya was carried to a partisan troop. There he took part in undermining enemy railway echelons and a warehouse. 29/10/1943 Valya was on patrol. He noticed chasteners. Valya killed an officer and raised the alarm. Owing to his action, the partisans managed to repulse the enemy. In 1943 Valya discovered an underground telephone cable, a short time later it was blown up. The communication between the invaders and Hitler’s headquarter in Warsaw ended. 16/02/1944 during the fight in Izyaslav Kotik was fatally wounded. Next day he died at the hands of his friends. The young partisan was awarded with the 1st Class Orden of the Patriotic War and the 2nd Class Partisan Medal. In 1958 Valya Kotik was posthumously given the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”.

  • Слайд 4

    Zina Portnova

    Zina Portnova (20/02/1926, Leningrad – 10/01/1944, Vitebsk, Belorussia) In 1941 she finished a year 7. Right after the exams Zina and her younger sister Galya arrived on holidays to their aunt to Belorussia. There they met the war. Zina found a secret organization “The Young Avenger”. She distributed leaflets and reports about a battle course of our army. Owing to her good knowledge of German, the girl managed to get very important information about the enemy. Soon she got a difficult and dangerous task: to stay at a retraining school for German officers like a dining-room-worker. She found out absolutely secret information about the enemy’s forces. Zina managed to kill dozens of the officers. Later Zina and her sister were carried to a partisan troop. One day, after another task, Zina was caught by the enemies. She was put to the heaviest tortures. The young partisan was keeping silence. When the Head of the staff turned to a window, Zina snatched a pistol from a table and killed the officer with the first shot. In January 1944 there was her execution. Zina was set to a pit’s border. She didn’t see anything; her eyes had been put out. Later Zina Portnova was given the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”.

  • Слайд 5

    Friends will be friends!

    Nowadays someone tries to cast doubt on value of a feat, made by the Soviet people, who won a victory over fascism. As you see, our heroes were born on the territory of modern Russia and Ukraine. And they defeated the world from fascism without thinking over their ethnic origin, because the truth was in their hearts. People should live in peace and respect. There is nothing in the world, which can allow one person to be above another one. Hopefully, one day that true will come back to people’s minds and hearts, and we all will be friends.

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