Презентация на тему "Бумбак Анастасия, Иванова Анастасия 9 "Б" класс «Памятники Победы Мценского Края»"

Презентация: Бумбак Анастасия, Иванова Анастасия 9 "Б" класс «Памятники Победы Мценского Края»
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    pptx (powerpoint)
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  • Аудитория
    9 класс
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  • Презентация: Бумбак Анастасия, Иванова Анастасия 9 "Б" класс «Памятники Победы Мценского Края»
    Слайд 1

    «С Днём Победы!»в честь празднования 70-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 годов!«Victory Monuments of Mtsensk Land»Bumbak AnastasiyaIvanova Anastasiya9 «B» formLyceum №5Mtsensk, Oryol regionTeacher – Zimina T.A.

    Mtsensk railway station, the monument of a legendary railway engine

  • Слайд 2

    The Park of Heroes

    The hard years of the last and most brutal war of 1941-1945 in the history of our country had the most grievous consequences for the land of Mtsensk. We can hardly find a settlement without a monument to fallen defenders of Fatherland.

  • Слайд 3

    Alley of Glory

    Eternal light Heroes’ of the Soviet Union memorial busts Victory day is one of the main holidays in our country. On the 9-th of May people of Mtsensk (amchane) gather together in our Central Park to honour the defenders of our town and the whole country in the Great Patriotic War.

  • Слайд 4


    It is named Katyusha after a Russian kind name of a woman. Russian people are proud of our rocket launcher Katyusha. The engine BM-13 (Katyusha) was used in the battles near Mtsensk. When you leave our town for visiting Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, first of all, you will see a famous Russian rocket launcher.

  • Слайд 5

    Tankmen’s Park

    The best tank of the Great Patriotic War was T – 34. This is a unique war machine. It helped our defenders to win the war. Now it is a monument in the centre of Mtsensk. Children and grown ups bring flowers to this monument. Resources: http://www.adm-mtsensk.ru/photo_124 http://memory-map.prosv.ru/?item=1038 http://lubimye-recepty.com/voennye-pamyatniki/ http://fototruck.ru/photo/18562/

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