Презентация на тему "Birds"

Презентация: Birds
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Интересует тема "Birds"? Лучшая powerpoint презентация на эту тему представлена здесь! Данная презентация состоит из 10 слайдов. Средняя оценка: 3.0 балла из 5. Также представлены другие презентации по иностранным языкам. Скачивайте бесплатно.

  • Формат
    pptx (powerpoint)
  • Количество слайдов
  • Слова
    английский язык
  • Конспект


  • Презентация: Birds
    Слайд 1

    Выполнила Альберти Мария ученица 8 класса МОУ Чикманской СОШ Birds

  • Слайд 2


    A small bird that can sing better than any other.It usually sings at night, but it can sing in daytime too.

  • Слайд 3


    It is easy to teach these birds that live in South Africa, Australia and South America some words that people use.

  • Слайд 4


    A bird lager than a sparrow but smaller than a crow.It is usually grey or dark-blue and grey, sometimes white or brown.often lives in cities.

  • Слайд 5

    Sea gull

    A large black and white bird that lives near the sea and has a loud voice.

  • Слайд 6


    A bird which is black-and-white and which often takes to its nest small bright things.

  • Слайд 7


    A small brown singing bird that lives in the field, has its nest in the grass and usually sings early in the morning.

  • Слайд 8


    A bird with a long narrow beak which cfn make holes in trees.

  • Слайд 9


    A large beautiful white or sometimes black bird bigger than a duck, with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes.

  • Слайд 10


    A night bird with large eyes that eats mice and other small animals.

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