Good Morning!
Good morning, good morning Good morning to you, Good morning dear teachers, We are glad to see you!
Let’s speak about today’s weather
Repeat after me!
Parable of the Stone
Once upon a time there lived a very old wanderer. Once he saw a big-big stone. There was a very strange sign on it: “Turn and read!”. He hardly turned it and read it on the other side: “Why are you looking for new knowledge if you do not pay attention to what to things you have already known?”
Притча о Камне
Один странствующий искатель истины увидел большой камень, на котором было написано: «Переверни и читай!». Он с трудом перевернул его и прочёл на другой стороне: «Зачем ты ищешь нового знания, если не обращаешь внимания на то, что уже знаешь?»
We know it!
went to the forest was hot sat under the tree saw the bird went home
Find out mistakes
Yesterday I and my friend John go in the park. The weather is wonderful. We walked near the river, skated and skied. We meet our classmates in the park and played with them. It is a great day!
Check out
Yesterday I and my friend John went in the park. The weather was wonderful. We walked near the river, skated and skied. We met our classmates in the park and played with them. It was a great day!
Тема урока
«Мир моих фантазий» Неправильные глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple)
Цели урока
Продолжить знакомство с неправильными глаголами. Научиться распознавать их. Уметь применять их в речи, при чтении и при составлении рассказов
Do we know it?
want like see talk fly paint collect say live have open help do fall give take
Check out
wanted liked saw talked flew painted collected said lived had opened helped did fell gave took
New Irregular verbs
cut -> cut
let -> let
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