Performed:ArakelyanSaraForm 9
Something for everyone
They will not only help you avoid boredom, but also to improve your health and create something you can be proud of.
Fitnesscenter outside
In this fitness center there are many entertainments. You can play sport, dance, swim, eat or just relax. This is a fantastic center.
Adult 50.000 rubles Junior 30.000 rubles Adults with a monthly card 40.000 rubles
Thisisthereceptionwhichislocatedinthefitness center.
Dancing room
You can dance because inthiscenterthereareinstructorsthatcanteachyoutodance.
Fitness room
You canplay sport, do exercise and have fun here. Thiscenterwillbesuitableforallyour family.
In this leisure center therearealotofnewtrainers.Youcantrainatanyofthem.Thiswillhelpyouto behealthyand slim. Theroomisveryspaciousandbright.
There are some swimming pools
There is a comfortable café. You can buydifferent tasty food here.
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