Презентация на тему "health"

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Презентация на тему "health" по иностранным языкам. Состоит из 16 слайдов. Размер файла 0.49 Мб. Каталог презентаций в формате powerpoint. Можно бесплатно скачать материал к себе на компьютер или смотреть его онлайн с анимацией.


  • Презентация: health
    Слайд 1

    The face: forehead – cheek – ear – eye – nose - mouth - lip – chin – tooth – jaw – tongue – throat – Горло, ухо, подбородок, челюсть, щека, язык, лоб, нос, глаз, губа, рот, зуб,

  • Слайд 2

    Pats of the body

    Head, neck, arm, hand, finger, thumb, chest, back, stomach, waist, leg, foot, toe нога, шея, талия, палец ноги, голова, спина, ступня, большой палец, рука, кисть, живот(желудок), палец, грудная клетка

  • Слайд 3

    Joints (суставы)

    shoulder elbow wrist hip knee ankle bone muscle skin Мышца, кожа, плечо, колено, кость, локоть, бедро, запястье, лодыжка

  • Слайд 4

    Mary Ow! Paul What’s the matter? Mary My arm hurts. Paul Oh, dear! Is it your shoulder? Mary No, my shoulder is all right. Paul Is it your elbow? Mary No, my elbow is all right. It’s my wrist. Paul Does this hurt? Mary Ow! Yes. Paul Sorry. Mary What’s are you doing? Paul I’m calling the doctor.

  • Слайд 5

    Seeing the doctor

    Pain - боль Painkillers - болеутоляющие Medicine - лекарство Ointment - мазь Infection - инфекция Tablets - таблетки Prescription - рецепт To sign - подписать Twice a day – два раза в день To rub - натирать To rub it in - втирать To make an appointment – назначить прием Surgery - поликлиника Patient - пациент

  • Слайд 6

    Receptionist Church Street Surgery, good morning. Mr. Brown Good morning. I’d like to make … for my daughter, please. Receptionist Who is her …? Mr. Brown Dr Edwards. Receptionist And what … your daughter’s name? Mr. Brown Mary Smith. Can she see the doctor this morning? Receptionist I’m sorry, Dr Edwards is … all morning. Can she come at four o’clock? Mr. Brown Yes, that’s fine. Receptionist Good. So that’s an … at four o’clock with Dr. Edwards. Mr. Brown … . Goodbye.

  • Слайд 7

    The Smith family’s doctor Dr Edwards is the Smith family’s doctor. He works at Church Street Surgery. Two other doctors work there, and three receptionists. A nurse works there in the afternoon. The practice has 3,500 patients. Dr Edwards sees between 25 &30 patients every day. He usually sees patients at the surgery, but he sometimes visits patients in their homes. All of his patients are National Health Service patients: he doesn’t see any patients privately. What is Mary’s doctor’s name? Where does ho work? How many other doctors work there? How many patients does Dr Edwards see every day? Where does he usually see patients? Does he have a lot of private patients?

  • Слайд 8

    Which words go together?

    1. all a) the matter 2. can I b) sorry 3. good c)right 4. how d) often 5. I’m e)morning 6. make f) killers 7. oh, g)help you 8. pain h) dear 9. twice i) an appointment 10. what’s j) a day

  • Слайд 9

    Are you fit?

    1. How careful are you about what you eat? A) very careful B) fairly careful c)not very careful d)not at all careful 2. How often do you have fatty food? a) hardly ever b)twice a week c)once a day d)twice a day 3. How often do you drink alcohol? a) hardly ever b)twice a week c)once a day d)twice a day 4. How much exercise do you do? a) a lot b) quite a lot c) not very much d) hardly any 5.How often do you go jogging? a) every day b) once a week c) once a month d) hardly ever 6. How many kilometres do you walk in a normal day? a) three or more b) two c) one d) less than one 7. How often do you go swimming? a) every day b) once a week c) once a month d) hardly ever

  • Слайд 10

    Look at your seven answers. Do you have more As, more Bs, more Cs or Ds? If you have more As: Congratulations! You are probably very fit and very slim, but you shouldn’t overdo things. If you have more Bs: Well done! You are probably fit and not overweight. You have a good balance between having fun and being sensible about your fitness and diet. If you have more Cs: You thing about fitness and diet, but you should try harder. You shouldn’t eat quite so much, and you should get more exercise. If you have more Ds: You really should look after yourself better. You should eat more healthily and you should get more exercise.

  • Слайд 11

    Обратите внимание , что это слово можно употреблять в разных случаях:

    1. как глагол: Try to exercise your arm muscles. Постарайся потренировать мышцы рук. 2. как абстрактное существительное: You need to get a lot of exercise. Тебе необходимо много заниматься. 3. как исчисляемое существительное: I’ll teach you three exercises. Я научу тебя трем упражнениям.

  • Слайд 12

    Write a questionnaire (опросник) with the title “Have you got a healthy lifestyle?”. Write at least 10 questions using the following phrases:

    For breakfast/lunch on foot To /at school take exercise In the park wash your hands By bicycle/bus go to the doctor Watch television play a sport In summer/winter drink a glass of milk How many … a day/week? In the morning To /in bed At the weekend

  • Слайд 13

    Verbs, nouns & adjectives

    Существует большое количество слов, которые употребляются в разных качествах. Например, “fat” Я очень полный I’m very fat. Я могу есть столько жира, сколько захочется. I can eat as much fat as I like.

  • Слайд 14
  • Слайд 15

    Which words go together?

    1. beauty a ago 2. cut b centre 3. exercise c diet 4.Get d down on 5.Leisure e fit 6.Long f machine 7.Lose g on 8.On a h pool 9. put I treatment 10. swimming j weight

  • Слайд 16

    Выберите из предыдущего упражнения слова, чтобы составить полные предложения.

    1. I gave up cigarettes… 2. I don’t want any potatoes, thank you. I’m… 3. You are getting fat, John. I think you should … beer and chips. 4. If you don’t do any exercise, you’ll … a lot of weight. 5. I only weight 82 kilos, so I don’t need to …

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