Презентация по теме «Ты-это то, что ты ешь!» учителя английского языка Омельченко Ленизы Раисовны Санкт-Петербург, 2011 Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение Средняя общеобразовательная школа №580 Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга
They lead healthy lifestyle. They lead unhealthy lifestyle. You are what you eat!
healthy food unhealthy food
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Food pyramid
*loves sweets *eats fruit and vegetables *against fast food *likes junk food *always feels hungry *dislikes meat and milk *likes Mum's cooking *can't resist junk food *is crazy about sweet things Match the expressions to the photos
Dima ………....eat hamburgers. He ............. eat vegetables. He ............. eat dairy products. He ............. ...drink Cola. He ............. eat fruit. He ............. L.R. ............. ..eat a lot of sweets. She ............. eat meat. She ............. ...eat chocolates. She ............. eat fruit. She ............. drink milk. She ............. What should/shouldn't Dima eat? What should/shouldn't L.R. eat? Give advice shouldn’t should should should should should should shouldn’t shouldn’t shouldn’t should shouldn’t
Match the nicknames to the photos "A health food nut" " A junk food junkie" "A sweet-tooth" " A junk food junkie" "A sweet-tooth" "A health food nut"
Hello! Let's go to McDonald's. Are you?! Sorry, I can't. Yes, I'm on a "sea" food diet. Why? Oh, no. I don't eat ice cream and fruit salad. They have a lot of calories, too. It means "see and eat"! I'm on a diet. I don't eat hamburgers and I don't drink Cola. You know, I'm on a diet, too! Oh!? Well. We can have fruit salad and ice cream. What does it mean "sea food diet"? Sorry, I can't. Why? I'm on a diet. I don't eat hamburgers and I don't drink Cola. Well. We can have fruit salad and ice cream. Oh, no. I don't eat ice cream and fruit salad. They have a lot of calories, too. Are you?! You know, I'm on a diet, too! Yes, I'm on a "sea" food diet. What does it mean "sea food diet"? It means "see and eat"! Oh!? Complete the dialogue and check it
How often do you go to Mc Donald's? 16% of pupils often go to Mc Donald's 81% of pupils sometimes go 3% of pupils never go
How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? 96% of pupils often eat 4% of pupils seldom eat
How often do you eat dairy products? 72% of pupils eat every day 28% of pupils sometimes eat
Do you drink Cola? 77% of pupils drink Cola 23% of pupils don't drink Cola
Home task "My healthy menu" Write your healthy menu for one day using the information of this lesson.
Thank you!
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