Презентация на тему "Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку"

Презентация: Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку
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  • Формат
    pptx (powerpoint)
  • Количество слайдов
  • Слова
    английский язык
  • Конспект


  • Презентация: Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку
    Слайд 1

    1 Интеллектуальная игра по английскому языку JEOPARDY game

  • Слайд 2

    2 ROUND 1

  • Слайд 3

    3 ROUND 2

  • Слайд 4

    4 ROUND 3

  • Слайд 5

    5 F I N A L

  • Слайд 6

    6 Автор презентации Галактионова Л. В., учитель английского языка.

  • Слайд 7

    ROUND 1

    7 Cities Places of Interest Symbols Geography 1 балл 5 баллов 2 балла 4 балла 3 балла 1 балл 5 баллов 2 балла 4 балла 3 балла 1 балл 5 баллов 2 балла 4 балла 3 балла 1 балл 5 баллов 2 балла 4 балла 3 балла

  • Слайд 8

    ROUND 2

    8 Royal Family Famous People Holidays Literature 2 балла 10 баллов 4 балла 8 баллов 6 баллов 2 балла 10 баллов 4 балла 8 баллов 6 баллов 2 балла 10 баллов 4 балла 8 баллов 6 баллов 2 балла 10 баллов 4 балла 8 баллов 6 баллов

  • Слайд 9

    ROUND 3

    9 Sports in GB Australian Fauna Proverbs History 3 балла 15 баллов 9 баллов 12 баллов 6 баллов 3 балла 15 баллов 9 баллов 12 баллов 6 баллов 3 балла 15 баллов 9 баллов 12 баллов 6 баллов 3 балла 15 баллов 9 баллов 12 баллов 6 баллов

  • Слайд 10

    F I N A L

    10 In addition to its coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific, this country has a third sea coastline on the Arctic Ocean, giving it the longest coastline of any country. What is the country?

  • Слайд 11

    11 The capital of Wales is...

  • Слайд 12

    12 Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the great English poet and playwright…

  • Слайд 13

    13 First world underground appeared in…

  • Слайд 14

    14 AUCTION

  • Слайд 15

    15 Home of "Beatles" is...

  • Слайд 16

    16 What is the centre of the US automobile industry? a) Chicago b) Detroit c) San Francisco

  • Слайд 17

    17 London is situated on the river...

  • Слайд 18

    18 The highest mountain Ben Nevis is in… a) Scotland b) England c) Wales

  • Слайд 19

    19 What separates GB from the continent? a) the Pacific Ocean b) the Irish Sea c) the British Channel d) the England Channel

  • Слайд 20

    20 What lake in Scottland is the best known?

  • Слайд 21

    21 What is the longest river in the USA? a) the Tennessee b) the Mississippi c) the Colorado

  • Слайд 22

    22 Statue of Liberty in harbor of New York was presented to the USA by a) France b) Great Britain c) Germany

  • Слайд 23

    23 The Metropolitan Museum of Art is located... a) in Washington b) in Atlanta c) in New York

  • Слайд 24

    24 In Trafalgar Square you can find... a) Big Ben b) Buckingham Palace c) Nelson's Column

  • Слайд 25

    25 What park of London is the Speaker's Corner situated in? a) Regents Park b) Hyde Park c) Green Park

  • Слайд 26

    26 Hollywood is located... a) in Los Angeles, California b) in Miami, Florida c) in Boston, Massachusetts

  • Слайд 27

    27 The emlem of England (the flower) is...

  • Слайд 28

    28 The English national flag is a) a blue cross b) a red cross c) a white cross

  • Слайд 29

    29 The Emblem of Scottland is... a) rose b) daffodil c) thistle

  • Слайд 30

    30 "CAT in the Bag"

  • Слайд 31

    31 American people call the national flag… the Stars and Bars the Union Jack the stars and Stripes

  • Слайд 32

    32 Who is the Prince of Wales?

  • Слайд 33

    33 AUCTION

  • Слайд 34

    34 The princess called “The Queen of Hearts” is: a) Margaret b) Anna c) Diana

  • Слайд 35

    35 Prince William and Prince Harry live in... a) Buckingham Palace b) Keningston Palace c) Clarence House

  • Слайд 36

    36 You can hear 'Gad preserve Queen Elisabeth' during... a) Ceremony of the Keys b) Changing of the Guard c) Trooping the Colour

  • Слайд 37

    37 Who is the author of Robinson Crusou?

  • Слайд 38

    38 Who is the author of "Alise's Adventures in Wonderland"?

  • Слайд 39

    39 AUCTION

  • Слайд 40

    40 Who is the author of novel "Jane Eyre"?

  • Слайд 41

    41 What was Robert Burns?

  • Слайд 42

    42 Who wrote the novel "Gone with the wind"?

  • Слайд 43

    43 The oldest royal residence is...

  • Слайд 44

    44 Australian actress Kate Blanchet plays the part of the Queen: a) Elisabeth b) Mary c) Victoria

  • Слайд 45

    45 … was the first president of the USA. a) Theodore Roosevelt b) George Washington c) Ulysses S. Grant

  • Слайд 46

    46 Who was St .Paul’s Cathedral built by?

  • Слайд 47

    47 He wanted to blow up the Parliament in GB in 1605

  • Слайд 48

    48 Who discovered America?

  • Слайд 49

    49 When is St. Valentine's Day selebrated?

  • Слайд 50

    50 What holiday in Britain is the most important?

  • Слайд 51

    51 When is Cristmas selebrated in Britain?

  • Слайд 52

    52 When is Halloween celebrated in America?

  • Слайд 53

    53 CAT in the BAG

  • Слайд 54

    54 What is the queen of sports in Britain?

  • Слайд 55

    55 This game is particularly associated with England. There are two teams of 11 players each. A first- class match lasts up to three days with 6 hours’ play on each day. Amateur players are called “gentlemen”.

  • Слайд 56

    56 This game is played with an egg-shaped ball, which may be carried and thrown (but not forward). Each team has 15 players.

  • Слайд 57

    57 This game is very expensive. It needs large fields and good equipment. This is a popular meeting place of the busyness community

  • Слайд 58

    58 This sport is big busyness. Every day of the year, except Sundays, there is a race meeting where many people make stakes on that who’ll win.

  • Слайд 59

    59 This Australian animal you can find on the State Emblem

  • Слайд 60

    60 This is Australia’s native dog arrived in Australia around 6000 years ago and domesticated by Aboriginal people.

  • Слайд 61

    61 The name of this instantly recognizable animal is an aboriginal word meaning “no water” because of its ability to get water from gum leaves.

  • Слайд 62

    62 This is New Zealand’s small, tubby, flightless bird and, because it’s nocturnal, is not easy to observe. It is very lazy, sleeping for up to 20 hours a day

  • Слайд 63

    63 CAT in the BAG

  • Слайд 64

    64 Who built the first bridge across the Thames? the Egyptians the Greeks the Romans

  • Слайд 65

    65 What are the most famous guards of the Tower of London called? a) beefeaters b) bobbies c) pearlies

  • Слайд 66

    66 On July 8, 1776, the bell rang out to announce the first reading of this document to the people of Philadelphia. It became then, and still is, a symbol of American Independence. Name the document.

  • Слайд 67

    67 The "Mayflower" is... a) the name of a season b) the name of a flower c) the name of a town d) the name of a ship

  • Слайд 68

    68 What event ended the plague in London in 1666?

  • Слайд 69

    69 There is no place like home

  • Слайд 70

    70 Live and learn

  • Слайд 71

    71 AUCTION

  • Слайд 72

    72 All is well what ends well

  • Слайд 73

    73 A friend in need is a friend indeed

  • Слайд 74

    74 Better late than never

  • Слайд 75

    75 "CATS in the BAG" 1 3 4 2

  • Слайд 76

    76 What is the national symbol of America?

  • Слайд 77

    77 When is Independence Day celebrated in America?

  • Слайд 78

    78 What is Big Ben?

  • Слайд 79

    79 What is the name of Shakespeare's famous theatre?

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