Republic Of Ireland Official languages: Irish and English Form of government: parliamentary Republic Area - 70.2 thousand km. (117 in the world) Population: 5 millions people (123-e)
Republic of Ireland - a country in Northern Europe occupying most of the island of Ireland. On the North it borders with the UK.
State symbols
Flag Coat of arms
Currency: Irish pound.1999- Euro
The capital of Ireland is Dublin
In Dublin, a lot of Catholic churches.
Millenium Spire
Millenium Spire-symbolof Dublin. Was installed in 2003. Height 120 meters.
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Largest citiesofIreland
Dublin Cork Limerick Galway
In Ireland survived many castles
Dublin Castle Castle Cashel Kilkenny Castle Bunratty Castle Ashford Castle Redwood Castle
Famous people оf Ireland: writers
Jonathan Swift James Joyce William Yeats Bernard Shaw Samuel Beckett
Famous people: actors
Pierce Brosnan Martin Sheen Saoirse Ronan Scott Andrew Colin Farrell Paula Malcomson Aidan Gillen EvannaLynch; Katie McGrath Ruth Negga
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