Khomutovsky Steppe – the natural reserve of Ukraine
Situated in south-east of Donetsk region near from the coast of the Azov sea. Area – 1028 acre. The first people, who masteredthis territory were Scythians, Peachenegs and Sarmats. The status of the reserve was got in 1926. Before that time, it was a “wild field”, where inhabited Don Cossacks.
There are more then 560 kind of plants. 50 of them are very scarce and 15 of them are in the Red Book.
Iris pumila(Ирис карликовый)
Tulipagesneriana (Тюльпан Геснера)
Haplophyllumsuaveolens(Цельнолистник душистый)
Khomutovsky Steppeis a “country of Feathergrass”. We can meet there 12 kinds of this plant. Besides, one type of Feather grass unusualgrow only in Khomutovsky Steppe.
Wild peonies -another special thing of Khomutovsky Steppe
Fauna in Khomutovsky Steppe are although very different. Here lives wolf, fox, gross-snake, polecat, weasel, steppe marmot, hamster, gopher. 80 kinds of birds and 15 kinds of fish in Load Yelanchyk river.
Today in Steppe starts to multiply horses.
The peculiar featureand proud of Steppe is a Stone Baba
These stone statues were created by the tribes, who lived in this place many century ago. And today we can see this heritage in Khomutovsky Steppe.
In 1979 Sergei Bondarchukimmortalized “wild field” in the film “Steppe”,wich was written by Anton Chekhov.
The End
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