Learn or not to Learn English?
Проблемный вопрос
Изучение иностранного языка польза или пустая трата времени?
Основополагающий вопрос
Why do we learn English language? Почему мы изучаем английский язык?
Учебные проблемы
.1. В каких странах говорят на английском языке? .2. Где используется английский язык как международный язык? .3. Почему на английском языке говорит так много людей? .4. Почему люди предпочитают английский язык другим языкам? 5. Для чего мы изучаем английский язык? 6.. Какие существуют способы изучения английского языка? 7.. Какие существуют проблемы при изучении английского языка? 8. Какие профессии связаны с английским языком?
Гипотеза исследования
Английский язык востребован в разных сферах жизни
Цель исследования
Повышение интереса учеников нашего класса к изучению английского языка для полноценной жизни в современном обществе. Совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения, диалогической и монологической устной речи, письма. Закрепление лексики по теме, систематизирование знаний, расширение их кругозора.
Задачи исследования
Собрать материал о значении английского языка в качестве международного языка. Выработать, составить и оформить рекомендации эффективного изучения английского языка. Ответить на вопрос:“Как знания английского языка помогут нам в современном мире?”.
Ход исследования
Мы изучили данные о значимости английского языка как международного языка в мире по материалам Интернет и печатным источникам. Мы разделились на группы, которые проводили исследования определенной области вопроса. Мы обобщили полученную информацию и сделали вывод. Мы оформили полученные результаты и подготовились к защите проекта.
Why did English become a world language?
The English language is the first language of about 350 million people. 1) English is easier to learn than any other language. 2) It easily borrows local words and phrases from the very countries into which it expands. 3) English has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.
English is the easiest language to learn. The English language is the first language of about 350 million people. English is the international language of many industries, including banking, business, diplomacy, and even entertainment.
Why do we study the English language?
1) We have to study it at school 2) It is useful when you travel 3) To do business 4) To understand films and songs in English 5) To get a better job 6) It gives a chance to meet new people 7) To live in an English-speaking country 8) I like the language
1) It is useful when you travel 2) To do business 3) To understand films and songs in English 4) To get a better job 5) It gives a chance to meet new people 6) To live in an English-speaking country
What are the Reasons for Learning English?
About 20% of the world’s population speak English. Doctors and scientists exchange their ideas in English. English is the language of the sky and the sea. 80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English. Most of famous singers sing their songs in English. US and British films, videos and TV programs are seen all over the world.
Is it possible to live in the modern world without knowledge of the English language?
Мы опросили учащихся и выяснили причины изучение английского языка в нашем классе
Which is the most popular second language in the world?
English is because … People in 30 countries speak English as a second language. English is spread among the people who have other mother tongues. About 70% of Russian students choose English as their first foreign language.
English-speaking countries
Dark blue: Countries and territories where English is spoken natively by a significant population. Light blue: Countries where English is an official language but not native. English is also one of the official languages of the European Union.
Where can we study English?
At a language school in an English-speaking country. At home (using CD, DVD, Internet). At school. At a language school in your country.
1) At a language school in an English-speaking country 2) At home (using CD, DVD, Internet etc.) 3) At school 4) At a language school in your country
What does it mean “to know English well”?
1) Can speak with native speakers 2) To be understood by native speakers 3) To speak fluently 4) To write grammatically 5) To read fast 6) To learn easily and fast 7) To think English 8) To feel confident about learning the language 9 ) can express himself/herself effectively
Can speak with native speakers. To be understood by native speakers. To speak fluently. To write grammatically. To read fast. To think English. To feel confident about learning the language.
What ways of learning a language are there? To work hard and thoughtfully To practise well and a lot To listen attentively To use a good dictionary Not to be lazy and not to miss classes 6) To do exercises carefully 7) To read aloud 8) To check for mistakes 9) To take notes 10) To revise often
How to learn English well?Answer the questions:
What is the best way to learn English? (to work hard, to do exercises carefully, to listen attentively, not to be lazy … ) What is the useful learning strategies? (reading English newspapers, speaking with native speakers, watching English films) What person is a good language learner? (speaks fluently, can express himself, learns easily…)
What ways of learning a language are there?
To work hard and thoughtfully To practise well and a lot To listen attentively To use a good dictionary Not to be lazy and not to miss classes To do exercises carefully To read aloud To check for mistakes To take notes To revise often
What questions can you here when you arrive to different countries? «Do you speak English?»
One must know English to be a part of the 21st century. It is time of scientific know – how and technological development.
Learning strategies Studying at a language school in the UK Speaking with native speakers By correspondence with a pen friend Living in a country where it’s spoken Reading English newspapers, books Watching English films Listening to the BBC World Service on the radio Studying at a language school in your country
Люди изучают английский для того, чтобы: общаться с людьми из разных стран; заниматься бизнесом; понимать фильмы и песни на английском; получить хорошую работу; жить в англоязычной стране; использовать его в путешествиях; получить шанс встретить новых людей.
It is nessesery to learn English!
Полезные ресурсы
http://miresperanto.narod.ru http://images.yandex.ru http://esl.about.com/od/intermediateenglish/a/study_english.htm http://gooddy.net/topics/devoted_language.php en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English language Биболетова М. З. и др. EnjoyEnglish - 4/ - Москва: Титул, 2010
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