Презентация на тему "Degrees of comparison of adjectives" 4 класс

Презентация: Degrees of comparison of adjectives
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Скачать презентацию (2.24 Мб). Тема: "Degrees of comparison of adjectives". Предмет: иностранные языки. 14 слайдов. Для учеников 4 класса. Добавлена в 2017 году. Средняя оценка: 5.0 балла из 5.


  • Презентация: Degrees of comparison of adjectives
    Слайд 1

    Let`s compare different things!

    Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных» Учитель БустаеваЭльмираДамировна МОУ «Житнинская СОШ»

  • Слайд 2

    Big Long Tall Fast Clean Funny Beautiful Warm fat Small Short Low Slow Dirty Sad Ugly Cold slim

  • Слайд 3

    What are they?

  • Слайд 4

    long warm cold big beautiful

  • Слайд 5

    -er -est more most The

  • Слайд 6
  • Слайд 7

    The city The country What is the nicest?

  • Слайд 8

    In the city the houses are Butin the country the houses are higher. nicer. The country is than the city. cleaner high nice clean

  • Слайд 9

    Moscow is warmer than Africa. Elephants are bigger than dogs. February is the longest month of the year. A mouse is smaller than a rabbit. Carabas- Barabas is funnier than Buratino. Baba-Yaga is the most beautiful. “Yes” or “No” ?

  • Слайд 10

    The game “A boaster”

  • Слайд 11

    We all live in the Russian Federation.

  • Слайд 12

    Moscow Sochi Astrakhan

  • Слайд 13

    The coldest winter is in The warmest winter is in The hottest summer is in The coldest summer is in Moscow Astrakhan Sochi Moscow. Sochi. Astrakhan. Moscow.

  • Слайд 14

    You are the nicest. You are the cleverest. Good luck!

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