Презентация на тему "Social problems of the family"

Презентация: Social problems of the family
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  • Презентация: Social problems of the family
    Слайд 1

    social problems of the family

    Work prepared student RANEPA Andrey Okutin

  • Слайд 2

    Family Problems

    All families have their problems, but they may turn into a crisis if the family cannot cope or if the family does not have the resources to deal with the problem. A crisis can cause the breakdown of family life. However, after the initial stress of the problem, the family may adapt to new conditions. 

  • Слайд 3

    In order to adapt successfully the family must:

    Recognise the problem Take steps to deal with the problem Resume normal family life with the adaptations.

  • Слайд 4

    Social Problems

    These are situations deemed to be unacceptable or undesirable by influential groups within a society. The resulting behaviour is considered deviant or anti-social . Social problems exist in almost every society. They are aggravated and sometimes caused by other social problems, i.e., poverty, violence, unemployment and substance abuse.

  • Слайд 5


    This means a lack of resources to provide a basic standard of living - it is relative to its situation, i.e., poverty in Ireland would not be seen as poverty in Third World countries.Reasons for poverty include: Unemployment Lack of low-cost housing 'The poverty trap' - children in poor families tend to leave school with few qualifications and end up in unstable or no jobs and so become poor themselves.Tackling poverty: Social Employment schemes - where new skills are taught Enterprise schemes - which help people to start their own business Partnership schemes - E.U. funded projects between State bodies, community groups and the private sector.

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    Factors which contribute to delinquency include: Broken homes Poor family relationships Poverty Lack of parenting skills Imitation of role models

  • Слайд 7

    Effects of delinquency on:

    The individual Loss of freedom when placed in detention centres Criminal record, which may hinder future employment prospects Emotional problems Rejection by society. The family Stress Poor role model to younger members of the family Economic hardship, if compensation is paid to victims Social stigma on the family within the community. Society Fear and anxiety within society Cost of maintaining detention centres Increase in crime rates destabilise society and may lead to apathy within the community.

  • Слайд 8

    Substance Abuse

    This can include legal (e.g., alcohol) or illegal (e.g., cocaine), substances. Causes of substance abuse include: Peer pressure Escapism Boredom Curiosity Rebellion. Dependency may be in the form of: Physical dependence - the body cannot cope without the substance Social dependence - where the substance is needed to enjoy life and be included in social groups Psychological dependence - day-to-day living is impossible without the substance.

  • Слайд 9

    Effects of substance abuse on:

    The family Neglect of family members Stress and tension Poor role models Financial problems. The individual Physical problems Emotional problems Inability to work productively Poverty. Society Increased crime Decreased work productivity Financial strain on the State to rehabilitate and support individuals and families. Help availableDrug advisory and treatment centres are attached to all major general hospitals and psychiatric hospitals. Garda Drug Squad - attempts to intercept drugs before they get to the streets.

  • Слайд 10

    Love - a wonderful thing. It can create pain and trouble. But it can also overcome them. Love- life Like people;)

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