To appreciate, to estimate, to value
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Rules Test
to value to appreciate to estimate ценить
to appreciate
оттенок значения "ценить что-либо\кого-либо", "испытывать благодарность":
I greatly appreciate your kindness. Яоченьценювашудоброту. I appreciate my friends very much. Яоченьценюсвоихдрузей.
to value
"оценивать с точки зрения стоимости", и дополнительны оттенок значения "ценить, дорожить чем-либо":
The house was valued at $100 000. Дом оценили в сто тысяч долларов. He values honor above riches. Он ценит честность выше богатства.
to estimate
"оцениватьчто-либосточкизренияразмера, качества, стоимости", "даватьоценкучему-либо":
To estimate the size of the room - оценитьразмеркомнатыTo estimate the weight of a stone - оценитьвескамняTo estimate smb.'s intellect - оценитьчей-либоинтеллект I asked the building firm to estimate the repairs to the roof.Я попросил строительную компанию дать оценку размерам ремонта крыши.
to appreciate, to estimate, to value Test
When I was a child, I didn’t understand poetry; it’s only now that I can ..... it. estimate value appreciate
I want to ask the contractor ..... for the repair of the building. to value to appreciate to estimate
He ..... honor above riches appreciates values estimates
Though I ..... your advice I am not going to take it. estimate value appreciate
Martin did not fail ..... the keen play of their minds to value to appreciate to estimate
You have helped me a lot; I ..... it value estimate appreciate
They began ..... the pictures by the Impressionists after the First World War to estimate tovalue to appreciate
It is difficult ..... what will be gained by this experiment to value to appreciate to estimate
We ..... that it would take three months to finish the work valued estimated appreciated
I greatly ..... your kindness estimate appreciate value
She didn’t ..... Shakespeare until she was thirty value estimate appreciate
Very often people don’t ..... their health enough estimate value appreciate
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Выполнила:Цапулина Л.А. учитель английскогоя зыка МБОУ СОШ №7 им. Героя России А.А. Крупинова г. Городца, Нижегородской области
Русско-английских соответствий/ С. С. Хидекель, М. Р. Кауль М. ACT Aстрель Транзиткнига 2006 http://www.native-english.ru/exercises/
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