Let’s learn the ABC together!
the ABC
[æ] cat [ei] name [a:] Mark [εэ] Clare Aa [ei]
Kate has a cat, a carand a hare. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
[e] Ben [i:] Pete [э:] Bert [iэ] here Ee [i:]
Pete has a pet and a perfume here. Eight elegant engineers eating excellent eggs.
[i] Nick [ai] Mike [э:] bird [´ aiэ] fire Ii [ai]
Mike has a pig, a bird and a fire. A pig in a wig did a jig on a twig.
[o] Tom [эu] Rose [o:] Norman [o:] more Oo [эu]
Rose has a dog, a fork and an ore.
[Λ] mum [ju:] Susan [э:] fur [juэ] pure Uu [ju:]
Susan has a cup, a turkey and pure orange juice.
[i] Syd [ai] by Yy [wai]
A fly can fly and a baby can’t fly.
Some combinations:
oo [u] Look, here is a book. We can cook. oo [u:] There is a pool near our school. ee [i:] I see a bee in a tree. ea [i:] I like tea and meat. I eat meat.
[b] bad Bb [bi:]
[k] cake [s] Передe, i, y city [k] ck Nick [t∫] ch peach Cc [si:]
ch [t∫] The children reach for a peach. ck [k] Nick has a stick.
[d] duck Dd [di:]
[f] face Ff [ef]
[g] glove [dЗ] Передe, i, y orange [ŋ] ng song Gg [dЗi:]
[h] hat Hh [eit∫]
[dЗ] jar Jj [dЗei]
[n] kn knife [k] kitten Kk [kei]
kn [n] I know where the knife is.
[l] lamp Ll [el]
[m] mouse Mm [em]
[n] nice Nn [en]
[f] ph phone [p] pet Pp [pi:]
ph [f] Phone me. Give me a photofraph and a book on geography.
[kw] queen Qq [kju:]
[r] rat Rr [a:]
[∫] Sh she [s] seven Ss [es]
sh [∫] She is in the shop. The fish is in the dish.
[t] ten [ð] this [θ] three Tt [ti:]
th [θ][ð] This is a thick book. Thank you.
[v] vase Vv [vi:]
wh [w] what wr [r] wrong Ww [´dΛblju:]
wh [w] What? Where? Which? When? Why? wr [r] Wrong number. You are wrong.
[ks] box Xx [eks]
[z] zoo Zz [zed]
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