Презентация на тему "Travelling"

Презентация: Travelling
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Посмотреть презентацию на тему "Travelling" в режиме онлайн с анимацией. Содержит 10 слайдов. Самый большой каталог качественных презентаций по иностранным языкам в рунете. Если не понравится материал, просто поставьте плохую оценку.

  • Формат
    pptx (powerpoint)
  • Количество слайдов
  • Слова
    английский язык
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  • Презентация: Travelling
    Слайд 1


  • Слайд 2
  • Слайд 3

    Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various methods of travelling.

  • Слайд 4

    travelling by plane

    For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

  • Слайд 5

    travelling by train

    With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole country-side. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.

  • Слайд 6

    travelling by ship

    Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.

  • Слайд 7

    travelling by car

    Many people like to traveling by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many filings in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.

  • Слайд 8

    hiking and Hitch-hiking

    A very popular method of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not so popular in our country as abroad.

  • Слайд 9

    travelling by bicycle

    Traveling by bicycle can be one of the most fullfilling ways to get from one place to another as it is healthy, stimulating, eco-friendly, and allows the traveler to experience more of the places that he/she travels through.

  • Слайд 10

    the end!

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