Презентация на тему "Упражнения по двум основным правилам в present simple" 5 класс

Презентация: Упражнения по двум основным правилам в present simple
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  • Презентация: Упражнения по двум основным правилам в present simple
    Слайд 1



  • Слайд 2

    Если подлежащие:

    существ. ед. ч., cуществ. мн. ч., he, she, it I,we, you, they, ТО СКАЗУЕМЫЕ БУДУТ: IS ARE HAS HAVE CAN, MUST CAN, MUST LIKES TO LIKE TO DOESN’ TDON’ T DOES…?DO…?

  • Слайд 3

    Is, am, или are?

    1.His rabbit ….. fat. 2…… his fox red? 3.Cats …..not big. 4.They …..kittens. 5.I…..strong. 6.Dolls ….nice.

  • Слайд 4


    1.A frog …..got a hat. 2.She …..got a black cat. 3.You …..not got two dogs. 4.Nick …..got a funny rabbit. 5…..Nick got ten ducks? 6.I…..not got a pet.

  • Слайд 5

    CAN (умею, могу)

    1.My dog …..swim. 2.He …..not fly. 3…..you fly? No, I …..not. 4…..Tim swim? Yes, he ….. 5.A pig …..not sing. 6…his cockerel sing? Yes, it ...

  • Слайд 6


    1.Он умет плавать и прыгать. 2.Лягушка Ани умеет прыгать 3.Крокодил может плавать. 4.Я не умею танцевать, я умею петь. 5.Тим умеет танцевать? 6.Утка умеет плавать? Да, умеет.

  • Слайд 7


    1.The frog … run. 2.Ben … sing. 3.Ann …not swim, she …skip. 4…..dogs run? 5.Pupils …sing, they …not dance. 6.I …go to school.

  • Слайд 8


    1.Они должны кататься на коньках. 2.Я должен бежать в школу. 3.Аня должна петь? Да, должна. 4.Ты должен плавать? 5.Ученики должны бегать.

  • Слайд 9

    Подбери ответ

    Is Jack strong? Yes, you must. Must I run? No, she can’t. Can you ride? No, I’m not. Must Kate live here? Yes, he is. Can Ann skate? Yes, I can. Are you bad? No, she can’t Is my dog sad? Yes, she must

  • Слайд 10

    LIKE или LIKES?

    I …..to run in the park. Nick …..to skate. Frogs …..to jump. You …..to swim in the pool. A cat …..to eat fish. He …..to ride a bike.

  • Слайд 11

    Don’tlike или Doesn’t like

    You …..to run in the street. He …..to be funny. Tim …..to skip I …..to swim in the river. Dogs …..to eat apples. We …..to dance

  • Слайд 12


    1.Foxes (like/likes) to run in the forest. 2.Kate (like/likes) to sing at home. 3.My friend (go/goes) in the park. 4.We (has/have) ten funny kittens. 5.Ann and Tom (live/lives) in a town. 6.I (take/takes) my dog to the park.

  • Слайд 13

    Выбери правильный глагол

    Tim go/goes to the forest. I live/lives in a town. Kate like/likes to sing. Dad ride/rides a horse. You swim/swims in the river. My brother walk/walks in the park

  • Слайд 14

    ВЫБЕРИ правильный глагол

    Tim (doesn’t/don’t) go to the river. I (doesn’t/don’t) live in this town. Kate (doesn’t/don’t) sing well. Dad (doesn’t/don’t) ride a bike. You (doesn’t/don’t) swim every day. My brother (doesn’t/don’t) walk the dog in the morning. We (doesn’t/don’t) play tennis well.

  • Слайд 15

    Do или Does ?

    …..you go to the park? …..he like music? …..a pupil read and write? …..they swim in the lake? …..Tom like cheese too? …..cats eat sweets?

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