Презентация на тему "Welcome to" 5 класс

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Смотреть презентацию онлайн с анимацией на тему "Welcome to" по иностранным языкам. Презентация состоит из 24 слайдов. Для учеников 5 класса. Материал добавлен в 2021 году.. Возможность скчачать презентацию powerpoint бесплатно и без регистрации. Размер файла 1.15 Мб.


  • Презентация: Welcome to
    Слайд 1

    Welcome to

    Knowledge land Подготовила: Капустина Н.С. ГБОУ СОШ №1351

  • Слайд 2
  • Слайд 3

    ‘Tongue twisters’

    Station 1

  • Слайд 4

    Read as quickly as possible

    The cook took a good look at the cookery book. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. Sid sees six trees. Cob is Dob’ s, Tob is Mob’s dog.

  • Слайд 5
  • Слайд 6

    Find the rhyme

  • Слайд 7

    Check your answers. door - floor knife - wife dog - clock mouse -house knee - tree skirt - shirt rain - train tall -ball rock - sock bag - flag father - mother bed - red cool - pool clean - green stone - phone play - grey

  • Слайд 8

    Can you finish these lists ?

    1.spring, summer, autumn, w__. 2.baseball, football, cricket, g___. 3.grandmother, grandfather, mother, f____. 1.September, October, November, D____. 2.Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, E___. 3.Thursday, Friday, Saturday, S____. WEEKEND Wintermonth

  • Слайд 9

    Check your answers.

    1.winter 2.golf 3.father 1.December 2.England 3.Sunday

  • Слайд 10

    Find the numbers 0-12.

    fivesixotn oettennonei utwovrrinn rhelevenoe rrlonezero seventhree eeeighteni evfourtei ninefeight sdtwelvek

  • Слайд 11

    Check your answers.

    five, six ten two eleven zero seven, three eight four twelve nine

  • Слайд 12
  • Слайд 13
  • Слайд 14

    Fill in the gaps with am, is, are. 1.I___fine. 2.You___from England. 3.He___strong. 4.She___busy. 5.It___fat. 1.We___big. 2.They___British. 3.Kate____friendly. 4.It____tasty. 5.You___tall.

  • Слайд 15

    Check your answers.

    1.I am fine. 2.You are from England. 3.He is strong. 4.She is busy. 5.It is fat. 1.We are big. 2.They are British. 3.Kate is friendly. 4.It is tasty. 5.You are tall.

  • Слайд 16

    Form tags.

    1.Joy lives in Kiev,___? 2.They can speak English very well,___? 3.She swims on Sundays,___? 4.Kate is my best friend,___? 5.We visited Vladimir two days ago,___? 1.Ann buys sweets every day,___? 2.Paul went to Rome last week,___? 3.He can read in French,___? 4.Jill and Sam are nice,___? 5.She will skate tomorrow,____?

  • Слайд 17

    Check your answers.

    1.Joy lives in Kiev, doesn’t he? 2.They can speak English very well, can’t they? 3.She swims on Sundays, doesn’t she? 4.Kate is my best friend, isn’t she? 5.We visited Vladimir two days ago, didn’t we? 1.Ann buys sweets every day, doesn’t she? 2.Paul went to Rome last week, didn’t he? 3.He can read in French, can’t he? 4.Jill and Sam are nice, aren’t they? 5.She will skate tomorrow, won’t she?

  • Слайд 18
  • Слайд 19

    Do the puzzle

    What does lion eat? What does the bear eat? M TEA T H EY

  • Слайд 20

    Check your answers.

    Meat Honey

  • Слайд 21
  • Слайд 22
  • Слайд 23
  • Слайд 24


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