Презентация на тему "Project about someone’s life style and how it has changed"

Презентация: Project about someone’s life style and how it has changed
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  • Презентация: Project about someone’s life style and how it has changed
    Слайд 1

    Project about someone’s life style and how it has changed

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  • Слайд 3

    Igor Akinfeev was born on April 8, 1986 in Vidnoye, Moscow region. His family is poor. His dad's name is Vladimir. He works as a truck's driver. His mother's name is Irina, she works as a teacher in kindergarden.

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    Igor Akinfeev started playing football when he was four. At seven he entered the children's sports school of CSKA.

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    In 2003, the young man received a certificate and entered the Moscow state Academy of physical culture. In 2008, Igor successfully graduated high SCHOOL, defending his thesis entitled " Tactical and technical actions of the goalkeeper during a football match." In 2002, the athlete began playing under contract with the CSKA club, then joined the youth team. Igor Akinfeev's first match held in March 2003.

  • Слайд 6

    The meeting with the Spaniards took place on July 1 at the Luzhniki stadium. The main and additional time of the match ended with a score of 1: 1, in the penalty shootout Akinfeev reflected two strokes, and four of the four strikes of the players of the Russian team were accurate, resulting in the Russian team won a penalty shootout and reached the 1/4 finals

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