Презентация на тему "The Golden Gate Bridge"

Презентация: The Golden Gate Bridge
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The Golden Gate Bridge


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    The Golden Gate Bridge

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    The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses over the San Francisco Bay, going from San Francisco to Marin County, in the U.S. state of California. It was opened for use in 1937. When the bridge was finished, its length of 9,266 ft (2824 m).

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    Before the bridge, the only way to go north from San Francisco to Marin County was by ferryboat. Some experts did not think that people could build a bridge because the water currents between Marin and San Francisco were very strong.

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    Joseph Strauss Irving Morrow Joseph Strauss designed a very cheap, but many thought it was ugly.He and other experts, especially architect Irving Morrow, designed the bridge again, this time as a suspension bridge.

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    The bridge is called the Golden Gate Bridge because it crosses the Golden Gate Strait, the area of water between the San Francisco peninsula and the Marin County peninsula.

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    Construction began on January 5, 1933 and was finished in April 1937.

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    The most conspicuous precaution for Bridge Workers was the safety net, suspended under the floor of the Bridge from end to end. During construction, the net saved the lives of 19 men who became known as the “Half-Way-to-Hell Club.”

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    When they finished the bridge, they painted it with a reddish-orange sealant, a type of paint that protects the bridge from water and humidity.

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    The bridge-opening celebration began on May 27, 1937 and lasted for one week.

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    Today people can cross the bridge in cars or motorcycles any time. During daylight hours, they can cross by bicycle or on foot.

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    The Golden Gate Bridge is a shining art deco triumph of design and engineering execution – perfectly spanning the glorious Golden Gate and bisecting nature with a man-made masterpiece of timeless design and efficiency. San Francisco's Joseph Strauss Memorial

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