Lesson 3is poetry enjoyable?
Form 8
Rhyme [raɪm]- Рифма
correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, esp. when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
Rhythm ['rɪð(ə)m] - Ритм
a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
A limerick ['lɪmərɪk]
a piece of humorous poetry which consists of 5 lines. The rhyming lines are three long and two short lines (aabba).
A limerick
goes back to the 18th-centery Ireland ['aɪələnd]. It was popularized (распространен)in English by Edward Lear [lɪə] in the 19thcentery, although he did not use the term.
There was a young monster in York a Which liked to eat soup with a fork. a People cried, «What a mess! b You must go to Loch Ness! b We use forks to eat pork here in York.»a
Relative pronouns
There was a young monster in York Which liked to eat soup with a fork… There was an Old Man of the North Who fell in a bowl of broth… There once was a lady of Gloucester ['glɒstə] Whose parents thought they had lost her…
Can you help e to make up a rule?
Monster = it = which Old Man = he = who, whose, whom
Great! You `re absolutely right!
Who (кто, который) For people Whose (чей, чьё, чьи, чья) Whom (кого, кому, которому)
Which ((тот) который, какой, каковой, кто, что) For objects and animals
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