Презентация на тему "Phonostylistics and styles"

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  • Презентация: Phonostylistics and styles
    Слайд 1

    Phonostylistics and styles

    By Elena A.Filimonova

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    Problems of phonostylistics

    Functional style – a set of language means used in a particular situation. Phonostylistics is the study of the way phonetic units, both segmental (sounds) and suprasegmental (intonation), are used in a particular extralinguistic situation.

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    Extralinguistic situation All the components of extralinguistic situation influence the choice of linguistic means

    3 components: 1) the purpose; subject matters individual and socio-cultural features: the social status, social group or class the speaker belongs to. 2) Participants the character of participant relationship: formal/ informal, friendly/ unfriendly social roles of the speakers 3) scene/ setting

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    Scene/ setting

    physical orientations of the participants (the distance between people, proximics studies it) public/ non-public, formal/ informal, monoloquing/ poliloguing, dialoguing. the channel of communication: face to face, public presentation, telephone, mass media.

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    Style-modifying factors:

    The aim of communication is the main strategy of the speaker. We may want: to inform, to instruct, to convince, to entertain, to advertise. In each case we choose intonation which will serve our purpose and make our speech effective. It basically determines the choice of intonation means, thus it forms the style (style-forming).

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    Speaker’s attitude

    Any oral communication reflects a variety of attitudes and emotions, concerning the listener, the subject matter and etc. Intonation varieties are as numerous as varieties of attitudes and emotions are. The speaker can be involved/ indifferent, friendly/ hostile and so on. It’s both emotions and attitudes we should take into consideration.

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    The form of communication

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    The Classification of Phonetic Styles:

    Gaiduchic(correlates with functional styles of language) solemn (торжественный) scientific business (научно-деловой) official business (официально-деловой) everyday (бытовой) familiar (непринуждённый)

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    Dubovsky (degrees of formality)

    informal ordinary formal neutral formal official informal familiar declamatory

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    Informational Style

    usage: Mass Media, business communication, classroom teaching. The aim is to convey information. There’s little personal involvement. The speaker is detached. The typical intonation patterns are: Falling/ Mid-level Head + Low Fall/ Low Rise/ Mid-level tone. The pitch level is generally medium or low and the pitch range is from medium to narrow. The tempo is not greatly varied. Hesitation pauses.

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    Academic Style:

    is used in lecturing talk and conferences, academic discussion. The aim is to convey information and to instruct (volitional function). A pragmatic aim. Falling Head/ High Head + High Fall/ Fall-Rise(=referring). Compound: Rise-Fall. The levels are high or medium. The ranger Short intonation groups predominate. The tempo is greatly varied. Emphatic pauses are often used. Loudness is rather high.  

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    political speech, sermons, debates. volitional and desiderative never spontaneous The use of prosodic contrasts makes the speaker sometimes go to extremes and become needlessly dramatic.

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    Declamatory style

    On the prosodic level the markers of the declamatory style reading are: Slow tempo, caused by the lento rate of utterances and prolonged pauses, especially at the passage boundaries. Stable rhythmicality. The use of the falling terminal tones in initial intonation groups, the increase of their range with the emphasis. on the stage, reciting literary texts. "artistic, acquired or stage” highly emotional and expressive attitudinal, volitional and intellectual functions of intonation are of primary importance here it is always a written form of the language read aloud or recited.

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    Conversational style

    1. inexplicitness of the language—"incompleteness" of many utterances as the context makes it clear what was meant by the speaker, 2. conversations are characterized by the lack of planning and the randomness of subject matter. They are very often unpredictable, not guided to an overall theme as, for example, in our first conversation. 3. a high proportion of "errors" involving hesitation phenomena, slips of the tongue and all sorts of overlapping and simultaneous speech. The distribution of hesitancy is very significant, it is strongly influenced by creative thinking and produces a cyclic pattern. They are of primary significance, the avoidance of hesitation devices and "errors" may produce a wrong effect and lead to a different type of speech style. – everyday communication. entire range of prosodic effects. intonation groups are rather short, their potentially lengthy tone units tend to be broken

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    decentralized stress and sudden jumps down on communicative centers heads are usually level, or rarely, falling. Falling heads occur only in groups consisting of several stressed syllables. simple falling and rising tones in nuclei are common emphatic tones occur in highly emotional contexts. the tempo of colloquial speech is very varied (fast natural speed + the impression of "slowness” because of a great number of hesitation pauses: hesitant drawls) no pauses between their parts, very often people speak simultaneously, interrupt each other. frequency of silence for purposes of contrastive pause as opposed to its being required simply for breath-taking tempo is very flexible in this style: it is uneven with and between utterances. pauses may occur randomly, not just at places of grammatical junctions

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    very informal or colloquial vocabulary e.g. My companion is exceedingly fatigued. = My friend is extremely tired. =My mate is bloody knackered.

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    Kinds of language that reflect the subject being talked or written about are known as REGISTERS. The language or register of medicine, for example, contains words such as: appendectomy, clavicle and rubella. The register of law includes words such as: tort, hereinafterand felony. The register of football consists of words such as: midfield, one-two and corner. And the register of car mechanics has words such as: torque,tappetsandclutch.

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