Презентация на тему "Практическая работа по теме "Нью Йорк"" 9 класс

Презентация: Практическая работа по теме "Нью Йорк"
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Посмотреть и скачать бесплатно презентацию по теме "Практическая работа по теме "Нью Йорк"", состоящую из 7 слайдов. Размер файла 1.02 Мб. Для учеников 9 класса. Каталог презентаций, школьных уроков, студентов, а также для детей и их родителей.

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    pptx (powerpoint)
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    9 класс
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  • Презентация: Практическая работа по теме "Нью Йорк"
    Слайд 1

    New York

    “Big Apple”

  • Слайд 2

    1. Fill in the gaps. Use these adjectives: biggest cultural national financial important

    It is the …… and most ………..city of the USA. It is the …………and medial capital of the USA. It is the headquarters of the United Nations. It is the center of American …………..life . It is the ………….leader in fashion and entertainment.

  • Слайд 3

    2. From the history…1. Choose the best conjunction (that / who / whose / which).2. Put commas.3. Complete the last sentence talking about the parameters of this bridge (use the Internet).

    The first European explorer …….. saw Manhattan Island was Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian merchant. It was April, 1524.Today a bridge ……… carries his name, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, is one of the city’s impressive sights. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world ……. .

  • Слайд 4

    3. Put the parts of the text in a good order.

    1.Each avenue has either a name or a number. 2. Only few of then have names. 3. The streets are numbered from one to over a hundred. 4.Manhattan is crossed by avenues from north to south and from east to west by streets.

  • Слайд 5

    4. Compare the height of these buildings. Twin towers were ……. Than The Empire State building

    The Empire State building is no longer the World’s tallest building, but it is certainly one of the world’s best loved skyscrapers. The World Trade Center Twin towers of the World Trade Center were the highest skyscrapers in New York. But they were destroyed by the terrorist attack in September 11, 2001.

  • Слайд 6

    5. The Statue of LibertyOpen the brackets

    People who come to New York by sea 1)greet by the Statue of Liberty. It 2)become the symbol of the city. It 3)symbolize a welcome to a land of freedom. The statue 4)be France’s gift to America, 5)present to the USA in 1886.There 6) is a museum in the base of the statue devoted to the history of immigration to the USA.

  • Слайд 7


    biggest , important, financial, cultural , national The first European explorer who saw Manhattan Island was Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian merchant. It was April, 1524.Today a bridge which carries his name, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, is one of the city’s impressive sights. It is the longest suspension bridge in the world whose length is 4,176 m, height is 211 m, longest 1,298 m, Vertical clearance, 4.57 m. 4 3 1 2 Heigher 1) are greeted 2) has become 3) symbolize 4) was 5) presented 6) is

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