by AitkaliyevAibolat
What makes a good translator — or interpreter — stand out from the pack?
Translation is more than linguistic knowledge or accuracy. Good translators are also sensitive to industry vocabulary, project timelines and the intended audience of any document.
1) Personalized Service
Computer translations and automatic programs are quick fixes — but are they good translators? Having a human on hand to offer personalized service is the first step in finding a good translator. However, personalized service is more than having a human translator. Good, professional translators, like the account executives at Accredited Language Services, understand your needs and are always available to answer any questions. Translators should be able to address all of your needs — from language questions to administrative matters — when they arise.
2) Language Qualifications
Extensive experience in both the source and target languages is a clear must for any good translator. Certain legal documents or court environments require certified translations or interpreters. Some translators are accredited in certain languages — that means they passed the test administered by the American Translators Association to translate between those languages. Find out your translator’s language qualifications before you begin any project and make sure they match the needs of your project.
3) Industry Experience
Good translators provide more than just language skills. Translators should also have experience with the subject matter and vocabulary of your industry. The best translations display a thorough understanding of the topic at hand. At ALS, translators are matched to a project based on their subject expertise. From technical backgrounds to medical knowledge, good translators specialize in a certain field and work with documents within their area. Your audience will be able to tell the difference!
4) Writing Skills
Translations should be just as clear and concise as the original documents — or more so! That’s why good translators grasp not only the meaning of the languages, but know the best ways to present their words. Make sure you’re receiving translations that are free of all grammatical and syntactic errors. At ALS, translations are doubly accurate thanks to our team of editors and proofreaders that check every document for fluidity and clarity.
5) Professionalism
Professionalism and dependability can set the best translators apart from the rest. Good translators will always end up with an accurate and well-written product — but they are also sensitive to the time and budget needs of the client. Some projects require rush or same-day service where a quick turnaround is a must! Staying on-time and on-budget is the final key to translation satisfaction. Looking for these qualities in your translator will help you get the results you expect!
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