Realia (plural noun) are words and expressions for culture-specific material things.
Thewordrealiacomesfrommedieval Latin, inwhichitoriginallymeant “therealthings”, i.e. materialthings, asopposedtoabstractones. The Bulgarian translatorsVlahovandFlorin, whowerethefirsttocarryoutan in-depthstudyofrealia considered that REALIAmustnotbeconfusedwithterminology, whichisprimarilyusedinthescientificliterature, andusuallyonlyappearsinotherkindsoftextstoserve a veryspecificstylisticpurpose. Realia, ontheotherhand, areborninpopularculture, andareincreasinglyfoundinverydiversekindsoftexts. Fiction, inparticular, isfondofrealiafortheexotictouchtheybring.
There are different terms for references specific to a culture in linguistics. They are: “culture-bound elements” (Nedergaard-Larsen (1993)), “culture-specific items” (Aixela (1996)), “extralinguistic culture-bound references (ECR)” (Pedersen (2005 and 2007)) and Florin (1993) used “realia”.
AccordingtoFlorin, REALIA givea source-cultural flavourto a textbyexpressinglocaland/orhistoricalcolour, andsorealiadonothaveexactequivalentsinotherlanguages. Asanexampleofrealia, Florinmentionsthingslikesamovarsandconceptslikesamizdat.
Realiamaybeclassifiedinseveralways. Florinclassifiesrealia: •thematically, accordingtothematerialorlogicalgroupstheybelongto; •geographically, accordingtothelocationsinwhichtheyareused; •temporally, accordingtothehistoricalperiodtheybelongto.
The thematic category covers ethnographical realia, i.e. realia that belong to everyday life, work, art, religion, mythology, and folklore of a culture (e.g. First of May and Valentine Day), and social and territorial realia (e.g. state and canton – округ у Швейцарії).
The geographical category includes realia that belong to one language only (subcategories: microlocal realia, local realia, national realia, regional realia and international realia) and realia alien to both languages (realia that do not belong either to the source or the target culture).
Fromthepointofviewoftime, realiacanbeeithermodernorhistorical.
InFlorin’sclassificationthesamerealiacouldbecategorisedindifferentways, dependingonwhethertheirthematic, geographicortemporalaspectisemphasised. Forexample, theUkrainian borsch(traditionalsoup) asbothethnographicalandnationalrealia, belongingtothemoderntimesaswellastohistory.
TABLE 1 Classificationofrealia (Nedergaard-Larsen 1993). Extralinguistic culture-bound problemtypes
Nedergaard-Larsen’s classification does not take into account personal names of fictional characters, different from historical and political figures.
Recently, Pedersen (2005, 2007) hasstudiedpropernames, includingboth non-fictionalandfictionalpersonalnames, alongsidewithothertypesofrealia. Similarly, forinstance, Davies (2003) andAixela (1996) dealwithpropernames, includingnotonlygeographicalnames (e.g. namesoftownsandstreets) butalsopersonalnames, intheiranalysesofrealia.
TABLE 2 Namesintheclassificationofrealia.
To translate realia, various strategies exist : they range from phonetic transcription to translation of the overall meaning. Scholars offer one way of defining such solutions. According to the characterization, each of these can be placed between two extremes: adequacy (closeness to the original) and acceptability (making the word entirely consistent with the target culture).
There are following methods of conveying the meaning of realia:
1. By Transcription or Transliteration Exclusively These realia usually belong to genuine internationalisms and comprise social and political units of lexicon in the main (lord lady, mister, hryvnia etc) e.g. “It’s a poor coloured woman’s place and you are a grand gentleman from Cape Town” – ця кімната для бідної кольорової жінки, а ти ж великий джентельмен з Кейптауна
2 ByTranscriptionorTransliterationandExplicationofTheirGenuineNationallySpecificMeaning Inmanycasesthelingualformofrealiaconveyedthroughtranscriptionortransliterationcannotprovide a fullexpressionofitslexicalmeaning. Thenanadditionalexplicationofitssensebecomesnecessary. IthappenswhentherealiaareintroducedintheTargetLanguageforthefirsttimeorwhentherealiaarenotyetknowntothebroadpublicoftheTargetLanguage readers. Theexplanationmaybegiveneitherinthetranslatedpassage/speechflow, wheretherealiaarebased, orin a footnote — when a lengthyexplicationbecomesnecessary: e.g. TheytookhertotheTowerofLondon. — Вони показали їй стародавню лондонську фортецю Тауер. HesaidthatWallStreetandThreadneedleStreetbetweenthemcouldstoptheuniverse. — він сказав, що Волл-Стріт і Треднідл-Стріт 1удвох спроможні зупинити всесвіт 1 Треднідл-Стріт – вулиця в лондонському Сіті, де розташовані кілька головних банків Великобританії A numberofrestaurantsandcafeteriasinKyivspecializeinvarenyky(dumplings), kulish (a thickmealstew) andotherdishes. — У Києві чимало ресторанів та кафетеріїв, що спеціалізуються на приготуванні вареників, кулішу та інших страв
3. By Descriptive Explaining/Explication Only When the transcription/transliteration can not be helpful in expressing the sense of realia or when it might bring about an unnecessary ambiguity in the Target Language narration/text explications and explaining are used. No coffins were available, so they wrapped George in a blanket and in the Union Jack —У них не було готових домовин, тож вони замотали Джорджа у ковдру та у прапорВеликої Британії
4. ByTranslationofComponentialPartsandAdditionalExplicationofRealia Thepropermeaningofsomerealiacanbefaithfullyrenderedbywayofregulartranslationofallorsomeoftheircomponentialpartsandexplicationofthedenotativemeaningpertainingtothesourcelanguageunit. Suchandthelikeexplanationscannot, naturally, bemadeinthetextof a translation, hencetheyaregivenusuallyinthefootnotes, asinthefollowingexample: Well, I cantellyouanythingthatisinanEnglishbluebook, Harry’ (O. Wilde) —«Ну, я тобі можу розповісти все, що написано в англійській 2«Синій книзі» 2 «Синя книга» – збірник документів, що видається з санкції парламенту Великої Британії в синіх палітурках Whenthelexicalmeaningoftherealiaisnotsocomplex, itisusuallyexplainedintheTargetLanguage text. Theexplanationthenofcourse, isnotalwaysasexhaustiveasitcallDcin a footnote. e g Keepyoufingerscrossedforme’ (M Wilson) —Щоб мені була вдача, склади навхрест (хрестиком) пальці!
5. ByWaysofWord-for-wordorLoanTranslation A faithfultranslationofsenserealiamaybeachievedeitherbywayofword for-wordtranslationorbywayofloantranslation. A.Translated word-for-word arethespecificrealiaasfirst (second, third) reading перше (друге, третє) читання (офіційне внесення законопроекту в англійський парламент); secondarygrammar school- середня граматична школа, B. Thedenotativemeaningofmanyunitsofrealiamayberenderedbywayofloantranslatingaswell. e.g. SalvationArmy (USA, Gr.Britain) — Армія порятунку орден Ярослава Мудрого — theOrderofYaroslavtheWise/YaroslavtheWiseOrder
6. Translation by Means of Semantic Analogies There are some peculiar notions in both the languages. Consequently, similar/analogous national notions in different languages may appear as a result of direct or indirect borrowings. e.g. the City/Town Board of Education – міський відділ освіти залік — preliminary/qualifying test/examination Thechoice of an appropriate analogy in the Target Language is greatly influenced by the national/cultural traditions e.g. пани — sirs/gentlemen, кобзар – minstrel
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