Презентация на тему "Welcome to Ukraine" 8 класс

Презентация: Welcome to Ukraine
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Смотреть презентацию онлайн с анимацией на тему "Welcome to Ukraine" по иностранным языкам. Презентация состоит из 13 слайдов. Для учеников 8 класса. Материал добавлен в 2017 году. Средняя оценка: 4.0 балла из 5.. Возможность скчачать презентацию powerpoint бесплатно и без регистрации. Размер файла 2.44 Мб.


  • Презентация: Welcome to Ukraine
    Слайд 1
  • Слайд 2


    Facts about Ukraine : * Ukraine the geographical centre of Europe ; *Area : 603,700 sq.km; *Mountains: the Carpathian and the Crimea Mountains ;*Seas : the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov ;

  • Слайд 3

    * Rivers : the Dnipro , the Dnister , the Southern Buh , the Danube ;* Lakes : the Shatski Lakes , Synevyr ;* Mineral resources : 80 different types including coal , iron , natural gas , graphite ,manganese , non – metallic minerals ;*Flora : steppes , forest ;*Fauna : steppe zone animals , forest animals ;*Birds : carrion eagle , black griffon , storks .

  • Слайд 4

    * Your Helping Hand

    If you want to report what the speaker said about the future , use : a ) … would + do ( the Future – in – the – Past )Example: Ann said, « I will try a summer job » .= Ann said that she would try a summer job .b) … was /were going to …Example: Bob said , « I am going to visit Lviv » . = Bob said that he was going to visit Lviv.c) … could do …Example: John said, « I can meet you tomorrow » . = John said that he could meet me next day .d) … might do …Example: Mary said, « The climate may change soon » . = Mary said that the climate might change soon .

  • Слайд 5

    Exersice b) page 160

    - If it isn`t Vera? Where are you going ?- To Geography club .Our teacher said we would plan a round Ukraine trip.- That sounds interesting ! Are you friends coming to our country . What are you friends interested in ? - They study geography at as we do. They wrote that they could come to Ukraine to see some interesting places .- That`s great . Where will thee trip start ? - Our teacher said we would specify our route today .- I think you should start with Svyatogorsk in the Donetsk region which is considered to be the Ukrainian Switzerland. You can get there by bus , by train.- I`ve been there once and I still remember the majestic views .By the way , our friends said they would like to go to the Crimea.- Perfect ! Once they get to the seaside they will be rewarded with nice views and excursions to amazing places .While travelling in the South – East of the country don`t miss a chance to visit an architecture museum in Pereyaslav – Chmelnytsky.- By all means.

  • Слайд 6


    1. To explore – досліджувати 2. Majestic – величний3. Preserve – заповідник4. To climb – підйом , сходження5. Gorgeous – яскравий6. Panoramic view – панорамний вид7. Alpine meadows – Альпійські луки 8. Flower – studded – grass – всіяна квітами трава9. Fertile - родючий10. Latitude - широта11. Altitude - довгота12.Proximity - близькість13. Drought - посуха14. Alongside - вздовж15. Admirable - надзвичайний16. Urban - міський17. To confirm - підтверджувати18. To identify - ототожнювати19. Evergreen – вічно зелений20. To pour – полити

  • Слайд 7


    1. To boarder on sth - межувати з …2.To be washed by sth – мити щось3. A round Ukraine trip – туди і назад по Україні 4. To be interested in – цікавитись чимось5. To specify the route - уточнювати маршрут6. To be rewarded with sth– бути нагородженим чимось7. To miss a chance of doing – втратити шанс8. To be amazed to do sth – бути під враженням 9. To share sth with sb – поділитись чимось10. To follow a traditional four-season pattern – слідувати традиціям чотирьох пір року 11. Tour into – тур в …12. To fill the air with sth– наповняти повітря чимось 13. Breathtaking view - захоплюючий 14.To glow in the colors of changing leaves – виблискувати кольорами листя 15.Indian summer – Бабине літо 16.To do sth for hours on end – робити щось17.To have an irresistible fascination – бути привабливим 18.To decide on sth – вирішувати щось 19.To experience different types of weather - зазнавати досвіду

  • Слайд 8


    1. That sounds interesting – це цікаво!2. Perfect – чудово !3. By all means – безперечно 4. Not for nothing – не даремно 5. I must fly – я дуже поспішаю !6. In general , - в цілому , …7. Now it … now it – то … то …8. Fancy – не дивно 9. Small wonder – тільки уяви …

  • Слайд 9


    Winter is very cold, snowing .Dark early , as the nights are getting longer.Often the temperature drops below zero, and in a frost, the water turns to ice .This time of year many are involvedin winter sports , sledding , skiing and skates. In winter, a lot of holidays, chief ofwhich is the New Year.

  • Слайд 10


    When spring comes, nature comes alive. Everything is blooming, the trees are green again. The birds return from the south, as the days get longer. Sometimes itrains, but generally sunny and warm.

  • Слайд 11


    The summer is usually hot weather is generally beautiful. The sun shines brightly, trees in green, hear the birds sing. Inthe summer of pupils andstudents holidays, many take summervacation and going on vacation to the sea.

  • Слайд 12


    Usually autumn overcast and raining, a strong wind blows. Leaves become yellow and red, and then completely fall off. The sun shines, though, but not warm. On the ground sometimes falls mist. Birds fly awayin warm edges. The days are getting shorter.Because of therain on the street constantly damp.

  • Слайд 13

    By Diana StangelliniForm 8 – ASchool 5

    The end

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